Wolfgang Krull

Wolfgang Krull
Wolfgang Krull, Göttingen 1920

Wolfgang Krull (26 de agosto de 1899 - 12 de abril de 1971) fue un matemático alemán, que trabajó en el campo del álgebra conmutativa.

Nació en Baden-Baden, Alemania y murió en Bonn, Alemania.

Véase también

  • Dimensión de Krull
  • Topología de Krull
  • Teorema de la intersección de Krull
  • Teorema del ideal principal de Krull
  • Anillo de Krull
  • Teorema de Krull

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  • Wolfgang Krull — Wolfgang Krull, Göttingen 1920 Wolfgang Krull (* 26. August 1899 in Baden Baden; † 12. April 1971 in Bonn) war ein deutscher Mathematiker. Sein Schwerpunkt war die kommutative Algebra. Krull war der Sohn eines Zahnarztes in Baden Baden und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wolfgang Krull — (26 August 1899 12 April 1971) was a German mathematician, working in the field of commutative algebra. He was born in Baden Baden, Germany and died in Bonn, Germany. See also * Krull dimension * Krull topology * Krull s intersection theorem *… …   Wikipedia

  • Wolfgang Krull — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Krull. Wolfgang Krull, Göttingen 1920 Wolfgang Krull (26 août 1899 …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • KRULL (W.) — KRULL WOLFGANG (1899 1970) Mathématicien allemand né à Baden Baden et mort à Bonn. Wolfgang Krull a formé, avec E. Artin et E. Noether, l’école allemande qui, à partir de 1920, a rénové l’algèbre en mettant systématiquement à la base de cette… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Krull dimension — In commutative algebra, the Krull dimension of a ring R, named after Wolfgang Krull (1899–1971), is the supremum of the number of strict inclusions in a chain of prime ideals. The Krull dimension need not be finite even for a Noetherian ring. A… …   Wikipedia

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  • Krull's theorem — In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, Krull s theorem, named after Wolfgang Krull, proves the existence of maximal ideals in any unital commutative ring. The theorem was first stated in 1929 and is equivalent to the axiom of choice.… …   Wikipedia

  • Krull ring — A Krull ring is a particular type of commutative ring studied in commutative algebra and related branches of mathematics and named after the German mathematician Wolfgang Krull.Formal definitionLet A be an integral domain and let P be the set of… …   Wikipedia

  • Krull-Schmidt theorem — In mathematics, the Krull Schmidt theorem states that a group G, subjected to certain finiteness conditions of chains of subgroups, can be uniquely written as a finite direct product of indecomposable subgroups.DefinitionsWe say that a group G… …   Wikipedia

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