Word Grammar

Word Grammar

Word grammar es un modelo gramatical desarrollado por Richard Hudson. Está basado en la Gramática sistémico funcional y también incluye ideas de otros modelos gramaticales. Word grammar se encuadra dentro de la tradición de la Lingüística cognitiva que modela el lenguaje como un sistema general de sabiduría y no como una aptitud mental concreta. En este aspecto contrasta con la Gramática Transformacional de Noam Chomsky.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Word grammar — is a grammar model developed by Richard Hudson in the 1980s. It is based on the dependency grammar model, in which information is almost entirely contained in the lexical entries for particular words, and syntax is seen as consisting primarily of …   Wikipedia

  • Word Grammar — es un modelo gramatical desarrollado por Richard Hudson. Está basado en la Gramática sistémico funcional y también incluye ideas de otros modelos gramaticales. Word grammar se encuadra dentro de la tradición de la Lingüística cognoscitiva que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Grammar — is the field of linguistics that covers the rules governing the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Each language has its own distinct… …   Wikipedia

  • grammar — grammarless, adj. /gram euhr/, n. 1. the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax. 2. these features or constructions themselves: English grammar. 3. an account of these features; a set of rules… …   Universalium

  • Grammar school — A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English speaking countries.In the modern United States, the term is synonymous with elementary school.The original purpose of …   Wikipedia

  • grammar — noun 1》 the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology.     ↘a set of prescriptive notions about correct use of a language. 2》 a book on grammar. 3》 the basic elements …   English new terms dictionary

  • Grammar framework — In theoretical linguistics, the following fundamental approaches towards constructing grammar frameworks for natural languages are distinguished:*Generative grammar: algorithmic (phrase structure grammars) **Transformational grammar (1960s)… …   Wikipedia

  • grammar, syntax — Grammar is not a list of rules involving do s and don ts. As usually applied in speech and in some writing, the word usage should be substituted for grammar. Grammar itself is the science that deals with words and their relationships to each… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Grammar — Gram mar, n. [OE. gramere, OF. gramaire, F. grammaire Prob. fr. L. gramatica Gr ?, fem. of ? skilled in grammar, fr. ? letter. See {Gramme}, {Graphic}, and cf. {Grammatical}, {Gramarye}.] 1. The science which treats of the principles of language; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grammar school — Grammar Gram mar, n. [OE. gramere, OF. gramaire, F. grammaire Prob. fr. L. gramatica Gr ?, fem. of ? skilled in grammar, fr. ? letter. See {Gramme}, {Graphic}, and cf. {Grammatical}, {Gramarye}.] 1. The science which treats of the principles of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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