Aeropuerto de Sisimiut

Aeropuerto de Sisimiut
Aeropuerto de Sisimiut.

El aeropuerto de Sisimiut (en groenlandés: Mittarfik Sisimiut) (IATA: JHS, ICAO: BGSS) es un aeropuerto localizado a 4,1 km al noroeste de Sisimiut un ciudad de la municipalidad de Qeqqata, en Groenlandia.

El aeropuerto tiene una sola pista con orientación 14/32 la cual mide 799 metros de largo y 30 metras de ancho (2621 pies de largo por 98 de ancho). Construido al norte de la bahía de Kangerluarsunnguaq.

En cuanto a vuelos regulares se refiere, Air Greenland es la única operadora, la cual tiene vuelos hacia Ilulissat, Kangerlussuaq, Maniitsoq, Nuuk. Este aeropuerto es operado por la autoridad aeroportuaria groenlandesa: Mittarfeqarfiit. Es también utilizado para vuelos de aviación comercial.

Aerolíneas y destinos

Aerolíneas Destinos
Air Greenland Ilulissat, Kangerlussuaq, Maniitsoq, Nuuk


El helipuerto antiguo ahora cerrado heliport al este de Sisimiut.

Antes de que el aeropuerto fuese abierto en 1990, Sisimiut era servida por un helipuerto ahora cerrado, localizado al este de las afueras de la ciudad en Alanngorsuaq en el Valle de Sisimiut

Sisimiut Airport is perched on the shore edge of Davis Strait. Runway and terminal seen from the Palasip Qaqqaa mountain.

The construction of Sisimiut Airport was part of the regional airport network extension in Greenland, with several airports built to serve STOL aircraft of Air Greenland − the venerable De Havilland Canada Dash-7s acquired in the preceding decade[1] − planes particularly suited to the often severe weather conditions in Greenland.[2] The other new additions were Maniitsoq Airport in the southern part of the Qeqqata municipality, Aasiaat Airport in western Greenland; Qaarsut Airport and Upernavik Airport in northwestern Greenland.[3]

The four-engine DHC-7 of Air Greenland landing at Sisimiut Airport after the shuttle flight from Kangerlussuaq Airport.

Roads in Sisimiut, including the road to the airport, are surfaced, but there is no road linking Sisimiut to any other settlement. In the 2000s construction of the 170 km (105,63310264 mi) road to Kangerlussuaq was discussed for several years without resolution.[4] The road would have been the first of its kind in Greenland, connecting two settlements, and reducing the need for passenger exchange at Kangerlussuaq Airport, the airline hub.

With 5,460 inhabitants as of 2010,[5] Sisimiut is the second-largest town in Greenland, one of the few towns in the country exhibiting growth patterns, with corresponding increasing passenger traffic at Sisimiut Airport. Air Greenland pledges to maintain a relatively high number of flights at the airport even should the construction of the road to Kangerlussuaq commence. Apart from the connecting flights to Kangerlussuaq, the busiest routes are the routes to Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, and to Ilulissat, the cultural and business center of Qaasuitsup, the northernmost and largest municipality in the country.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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