

Garcés es un apellido compartido por las siguientes personas:





  • Bandera de Chile Jorge Luis Garcés Rojas (1954-), futbolista y entrenador;
  • Bandera de Panamá José Luis Garcés (1981-), futbolista;
  • Bandera de Chile Paulo Andrés Garcés Contreras (1984-), futbolista;
  • Bandera de Panamá Rubén Santiago Garcés Riquelme (1973, jugador de baloncesto;


  • Bandera de España Tomàs Garcés i Miravet (1901 - 1993), abogado, poeta y profesor universitario;


  • Bandera de España Bautista Garcés Granell (1899 - 1936), sindicalista y político;


Soberanos y nobles

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  • Garces Memorial Circle — Garces Memorial Traffic Circle, informally known as Garces Circle or just The Circle , is the only traffic circle in Bakersfield, California. The traffic circle is located at the intersection of Chester Avenue, Golden State Avenue (State Route… …   Wikipedia

  • Garces National Forest — was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Arizona on July 1, 1908 with 78,480 acres from portions of Baboquivari, Tumacacori and Huachuca National Forests. On July 1, 1911 the forest was combined with Coronado National Forest and the name was …   Wikipedia

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