HMS Caroline

HMS Caroline

HMS Caroline ha sido el nombre empleado por un total de ocho buques de la Royal Navy británica:

  • navío de línea de quinta clase según la clasificación británica, armada con 36 cañones botado en 1795 y desguazado en 1815.
  • bergantín armado con 14 cañones, que fue anteriormente el Affronteur francés, capturado en 1803 por el goleta, capturada a Francia en 1809 por el cañonero, propulsado por máquina de vapor y hélice con casco de madera de la clase Nueva Zelanza. Fue adquirido en 1859 y vendido en 1863.
  • balandra de clase crucero ligero de la clase C botado en 1914, actualmente en servicio como cuartel general de la división de Irlanda del Norte de la Reserva Naval Británica.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMS Caroline — Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Caroline :*HMS Caroline was a 3 gun gunvessel, formerly a barge, purchased in 1794. She was sold in 1802. *HMS Caroline was a 36 gun fifth rate launched in 1795 and broken up in 1815. *HMS… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Caroline (1914) — HMS Caroline is a C class light cruiser of the British Royal Navy (RN). Caroline was launched and commissioned in 1914, making her the second oldest ship in RN service, after HMS Victory . She acts as a static headquarters and training ship for… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Caroline (1914) — Geschichte Kiellegung: 28. Januar 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Caroline (1914) — Coordenadas: 54°36′47″N 5°54′10″O / 54.61306, 5.90278 …   Wikipedia Español

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  • HMS Comus (1914) — HMS Comus was a C class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was part of the Caroline group of the C class of cruisers.She was laid down on 13 November 1913, launched 16 December 1914 and commissioned into the navy on 15 May 1915. She was… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Cleopatra (1915) — HMS Cleopatra was a C class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was part of the Caroline group of the C class of cruisers.She was laid down in February 1914, launched 14 January 1915 and commissioned into the navy in June 1915. On the outbreak… …   Wikipedia

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  • HMS Carysfort (1914) — HMS Carysfort was a C class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was part of the Caroline group of the C class of cruisers.She was laid down in February 1914, launched 14 November 1914 and commissioned into the navy in June 1915. On the outbreak… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Conquest (1915) — HMS Conquest was a C class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was part of the Caroline group of the C class of cruisers.She was laid down in March 1914, launched 20 January 1915 and commissioned into the navy in June 1915. She was assigned to… …   Wikipedia

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