
País Bandera de Francia Francia
• Región Lorena
• Departamento Mosela
• Distrito distrito de Thionville-Est
• Cantón cantón de Sierck-les-Bains
• Mancomunidad Communauté de communes des Trois Frontières
• Altitud n/d msnm
(mín.: 160, máx.: 267)
Superficie 3,78 km²
Población 566 hab. (1999)
• Densidad 149,74 hab./km²
Código postal 57480
Alcalde Jean-Claude Champion
2008 - 2014
Código INSEE 57341

Hunting es una población y comuna francesa, en la región de Lorena, departamento de Mosela, en el distrito de Thionville-Est y cantón de Sierck-les-Bains.


Datos de población
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999
285 278 288 474 580 566
Para los censos de 1962 a 1999 la población legal corresponde a la población sin duplicidades, según define el INSEE.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HUNTING — (Heb. צוד, hunt ; צַיִד, hunting, game ; צַיָּד, hunter ; מְצוֹדָה ,מָצוֹד, hunting implement, net ). Biblical Period In the earliest periods of human history, hunting was an essential means of procuring food, clothing, and tools. In biblical… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Hunting — Hunt ing, n. The pursuit of game or of wild animals. A. Smith. [1913 Webster] {Happy hunting grounds}, the region to which, according to the belief of American Indians, the souls of warriors and hunters pass after death, to be happy in hunting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hunting —     Canons on Hunting     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Canons on Hunting     From early times, hunting, in one form or another has been forbidden to clerics. Thus, in the Corpus Juris Canonici (C. ii, X, De cleric. venat.) we read: We forbid to all… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Hunting — Hunting …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hunting — HÚNTING s.n. Piele pentru încălţăminte asemănătoare cu antilopa. [pron. hán ting. / < engl. hunting]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 21.04.2005. Sursa: DN  HUNTING [HÁNTING] s. n. piele pentru încălţăminte, asemănătoare cu antilopa. (< engl.… …   Dicționar Român

  • hunting — [hunt′iŋ] n. [ME < OE huntung] 1. the act of a person or animal that hunts 2. a periodic oscillation of the rotor of a synchronous electrical machine about its average position 3. a periodic oscillation in the controlled function of any… …   English World dictionary

  • Hunting — Hunter redirects here. For other uses, see Hunter (disambiguation). For other uses, see Hunting (disambiguation). Boar hunting, tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis (14th century) Hunting is the practice of pursuing any l …   Wikipedia

  • hunting — /hun ting/, n. 1. the act of a person, animal, or thing that hunts. 2. Elect. the periodic oscillating of a rotating electromechanical system about a mean space position, as in a synchronous motor. adj. 3. of, for, engaged in, or used while… …   Universalium

  • hunting —    Spain, widely regarded as the hunting reserve of Europe, has more land area devoted to hunting than any other EU country, provides more than 20,000 permanent jobs in gamekeeping alone, and employs around two million temporary workers during… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • hunting — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big game, deer, fox (usually fox hunting), etc. ▪ He was killed by a lion while big game hunting in Africa. ▪ commercial …   Collocations dictionary

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