
Para el relojero británico, véase Benjamin Huntsman.
Huntsman cheese.jpg
País de origen Reino Unido
Leche de Vaca
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Textura Tierno

El Huntsman es una combinación de quesos ingleses, concretamente Stilton y Gloucester,[1] que se disponen en capas alternas en un proceso artesanal y muy laborioso. El Huntsman es elaborado en Melton Mowbray por Long Clawson Dairy, siendo una marca registrada.

Hay muchas copias en el mercado, incluyendo el Stilchester.[2]


  1. «Savoury Blends» (en inglés). Long Clawson Dairy. Somerdale. Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2008.
  2. Slack, Susan (2001). Fondues & Hot Pots. HPBooks. p211. ISBN 9781557883698. 

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Huntsman — Hunts man, n.; pl. {Huntsmen}. 1. One who hunts, or who practices hunting. [1913 Webster] 2. The person whose office it is to manage the chase or to look after the hounds. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] {Huntsman s cup} (Bot.), the sidesaddle flower …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • huntsman — ► NOUN 1) a person who hunts. 2) a hunt official in charge of hounds …   English terms dictionary

  • huntsman — [hunts′mən] n. pl. huntsmen [hunts′mən] 1. a hunter 2. the manager of a hunt, in charge of the hounds …   English World dictionary

  • huntsman — UK [ˈhʌntsmən] / US noun [countable] Word forms huntsman : singular huntsman plural huntsmen 1) someone who hunts wild animals, especially foxes 2) someone who is responsible for the dogs that are used in a hunt for foxes in the UK …   English dictionary

  • huntsman — [[t]hʌ̱ntsmən[/t]] huntsmen N COUNT A huntsman is a person who hunts wild animals, especially one who hunts foxes on horseback using dogs …   English dictionary

  • huntsman — /ˈhʌntsmən/ (say huntsmuhn) noun (plural huntsmen) 1. the man in charge of hounds during a hunt. 2. a man who hunts game, etc. 3. → huntsman spider. {combination of two words originally in a syntactical relationship; hunt s (genitive case) + man} …  

  • Huntsman Corporation — nyse|HUN is one of the world s largest chemical companies. It was founded in 1982 by Jon Huntsman and remained a private company controlled by the Huntsman family until going public on the New York Stock Exchange with the symbol HUN in February… …   Wikipedia

  • Huntsman (disambiguation) — Huntsman may refer to:*Hunters who: **use guns/weapons for hunting **hunt with horses and dogs (e.g. fox hunting) *Huntsman is also used as a military designation for units traditionally raised from huntsmen, see Huntsmen (military)Huntsman may… …   Wikipedia

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