Isaac Aboab

Isaac Aboab

Isaac de Matatías Aboab (1632 - 1707) fue un poeta y dramaturgo sefardí holandés de expresión española y portuguesa.

Compuso piezas teatrales inspiradas en historias del Antiguo Testamento, por ejemplo Comedia de la Vida y Sucesos de Joseph, llamado el Perseguido dichozo: Relación muy agradável en que se refieren todas las tragedias y grandezas que por dicho Josseph passaron (Amsterdam 5446 = 1686), MS. HS 48 D19, Biblioteca de la Universidad Hebrea, Jerusalén. Existe otra copia ms., sign. X86/Ab7, en la Biblioteca Butler, de la Columbia Univ. (Nueva York). Era una especie de filólogo autodidacta que se dedicaba a salvar la poesía escrita por sus correligionarios elaborando cancioneros de los mismos, en especial de poetisas sefardíes, fundamentalmente de naturaleza satírica; asimismo era él mismo un rimador hábil en español y portugués. Escribió Relagóes, cantigas, adevinhagóes e outras corizidades (1683).

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  • Isaac Aboab da Fonseca — Gemälde von 1661 Isaac Aboab da Fonseca (* 1. Februar 1605 in Castro Daire, Portugal; † 4. April 1693 in Amsterdam) war ein Rabbi, Gelehrter, Kabbalist und Schriftsteller …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Isaac Aboab da Fonseca — (February 1, 1605 ndash; April 4, 1693) was a rabbi, scholar, kabbalist and writer. In 1656, he was one of several elders within the Portuguese Israelite community in the Netherlands who excommunicated Baruch Spinoza for the statements this… …   Wikipedia

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  • Isaac Aboab of Castile — (1433 ndash; January, 1493), also known as Isaac Aboab II, was a Spanish Bible commentator born at Toledo, presumably a descendant of Isaac Aboab I. He was the pupil and successor of Isaac Campanton, and was called the last gaon of Castile. After …   Wikipedia

  • ABOAB, ISAAC I — (end of the 14th century), rabbinic author and preacher; probably lived in Spain. His father seems to have been called Abraham and may have been the Abraham Aboab to whom judah b. asher of Toledo (d. 1349) addressed responsa (Zikhron Yehudah, 53a …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ABOAB DA FONSECA, ISAAC — (1605–1693), Dutch Sephardi rabbi. Aboab was born in Castro Daire, Portugal, of a Marrano family, as Simao da Fonseca, son of Alvaro da Fonseca alias David Aboab. He was brought as a child to St. Jean de Luz in France and then to Amsterdam, where …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Isaac II. Aboab — (auch Abuab; * um 1433 in Toledo; † 1493 in Porto) war ein kastilischer Rabbiner und galt als letzter Gaon Kastiliens . Leben Isaac Aboab besuchte die Talmudschule von Isaac Campanton (1360 1463) und übernahm von ihm deren Leitung als Nachfolger …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ABOAB, ISAAC II — (1433–1493), rabbinical scholar. Known as the last gaon of Castile, Aboab was a disciple of isaac canpanton and head of the Toledo Yeshivah. joseph caro refers to him as one of the greatest scholars of his time. During the final years before the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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