Años: 1629 1630 163116321633 1634 1635
Décadas: Años 1600 Años 1610 Años 1620Años 1630Años 1640 Años 1650 Años 1660
Siglos: Siglo XVISiglo XVIISiglo XVIII
Tabla anual del siglo XVII
Nacimientos y Fallecimientos
1632 en otros calendarios
Calendario gregoriano 1632
Ab urbe condita 2385
Calendario armenio 4124
Calendario chino 4328–4329
Calendario hebreo 5392–5393
Calendarios hindúes
~ Vikram Samvat
~ Shaka Samvat
~ Kali Yuga

Calendario persa 1010–1011
Calendario musulmán 1042–1043
Calendario rúnico 1882

1632 (MDCXXXII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en jueves, según el calendario gregoriano.




Categoría principal: Nacidos en 1632


Categoría principal: Fallecidos en 1632

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • 1632 — Années : 1629 1630 1631  1632  1633 1634 1635 Décennies : 1600 1610 1620  1630  1640 1650 1660 Siècles : XVIe siècle  XVIIe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • 1632 — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 16. Jahrhundert | 17. Jahrhundert | 18. Jahrhundert | ► ◄ | 1600er | 1610er | 1620er | 1630er | 1640er | 1650er | 1660er | ► ◄◄ | ◄ | 1628 | 1629 | 1630 | 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 1632 — See also: 1632 (novel) .Year 1632 (MDCXXXII) was a leap year starting on Thursday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a leap year starting on Sunday of the 10 day slower Julian calendar). Events of 1632 January… …   Wikipedia

  • 1632.12. — После смерти Сигизмунда III царь начал война с Польшей (1632 1634), осада Смоленска воеводой Шеиным, капитуляция Шеина …   Хронология всемирной истории: словарь

  • 1632 (novel) — 1632   Author(s) Eric Flint …   Wikipedia

  • 1632 universe background history — 1632 is the lead novel by historian/writer/editor Eric Flint in an epic book series set in the region of Thuringia at the southern edge of the central German plains. The series pits powerful antagonists like Denmark, England, Spain, France, the… …   Wikipedia

  • 1632 multiverse — is a sub article of the various 1632 series articles covering the many Eric Flint works in the popular alternate history book series that began with the 1632 novel set in the turbulent times starting in 1631 and follows the key changes manifest… …   Wikipedia

  • 1632 plot threads — refers to the complex mix of overall story arches or sequences within the best selling alternate history series Ring of Fire , which grew rapidly from a stand alone novel (1632) to published works numbering in the high teens as of October 2007… …   Wikipedia

  • 1632 series — The 1632 series, also known as the 1632 verse or Ring of Fire series , is an alternate history book series, created, primarily co written, and coordinated by historian Eric Flint. It is, excepting the lead novel and the serialized e novel The… …   Wikipedia

  • 1632 writers — This is a list of writers who have contributed to the books in print published in the 1632 series ( Ring of Fire series ) thus far. Most are contributors to the two anthologies series canonically associated with the collaboratively written shared …   Wikipedia

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