- Job Bicknell Ellis
Job Bicknell Ellis Nacimiento 29 de enero 1829
Potsdam, Nueva YorkFallecimiento 30 de diciembre 1905 Residencia EE.UU. Nacionalidad estadounidense Campo docente, botánico, micólogo Cónyuge Arvilla J. Bacon Job Bicknell Ellis ( * 29 de enero 1829 - 30 de diciembre 1905 ) fue un botánico, micólogo, y docente estadounidense.
Algunas publicaciones
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1876). Some New Jersey fungi. Grevillea 4 (32): 178-180 [Nº 2297-2318]
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1876). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. In M.C. Cooke [ed.], Grevillea 5 (33): 30-35, pl. 75 [nos 2319-2362]. Edinburgh; Williams & Norgate
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1876). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 5 (34): 49-55 [Nº 2363-2423]
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1877). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 5 (35): 89-95
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1877). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. In M.C. Cooke [ed.], Grevillea 6 (37): 1-18. Edinburgh; Williams & Norgate
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1878). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 6 (39): 81-96, pls 99-100.
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1878). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 7 (41): 4-10
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1878). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 7 (42): 37-42
- Cooke, M.C.; Ellis, J.B. (1879). New Jersey fungi [cont.]. Grevillea 8 (45): 11-16
- Ellis, J.B. (1881). New species of North American fungi. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 8: 64-[65]
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). New Fungi. Am. Naturalist 16 (10): 810-[811]
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). New North American fungi. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 9: 18-[?]
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). New North American fungi [cont.]. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 9: 73-[74]
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). New North American fungi [concl.]. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 9: 133-[?]
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). North American Fungi. Series 1. Century IX (Nº 801-900). Newfield, New Jersey; Ellis
- Ellis, J.B. (1882). North American Fungi. Series 1. Century VII (nos 701-800). Newfield, New Jersey; Ellis
- Ellis, J.B. (1883). New species of North American fungi. Am. Midland Naturalist 17 (febrero): [194]-[196]
- Ellis, J.B. (1883). New North American fungi. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 10: 52-[?]
- Ellis, J.B. (1893). Descriptions of some new species of fungi. J. of Mycology 7: 274-278
- Ellis, J.B.; Bartholomew, E. (1896). New Kansas fungi. Erythea 4 (2): 23-29
- Ellis, J.B.; Bartholomew, E. (1896). New species of Kansas fungi. I. Erythea 4: 79-83
- Ellis, J.B.; Bartholomew, E. (1897). New species of Kansas fungi. II. Erythea 5: 47-51
- Ellis, J.B.; Bartholomew, E. (1902). New species of fungi from various localities. J. of Mycology 8: 173-178
- Ellis, J.B.; Dearness, J. (1893). New species of Canadian fungi. Canadian Record of Science Montreal 5 (Jan.): 267-272
- Ellis, J.B.; Dearness, J. (1897). New species of Canadian fungi. Proc. of the Canadian Inst. N.S. 1: 89-93
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1883). New species of fungi [cont.]. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 10: 97-[?]
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1884). New North American Fungi [cont.]. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 11: 73-[75]
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). Enumeration of the North American Cercosporae. J. of Mycology 1 (2): 17-24
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). Enumeration of the North American Cercosporae [cont.] J. of Mycology 1: 33-40
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). New fungi. J. of Mycology 1: 42-44
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). Enumeration of the North American Cercosporae. With descriptions of the species [cont.]. J. of Mycology 1: 49-56
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). Enumeration of the North American Cercosporae [concl.] J. of Mycology 1 (5): 61-67
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). On Ramularia obovata, Fuck. J. of Mycology 1 (5): 69-70
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). North American species of Ramularia. J. of Mycology 1 (6): 73-83
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). New species of fungi. J. of Mycology 1 (7): 88-93
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). North American species of Cylindrosporium. J. of Mycology 1 (10): 126-128
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). New fungi. J. of Mycology 1 (12): 148-154
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1885). New fungi [concl.] J. of Mycology 1 (12): 148-154
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1886). New fungi. Hedwigia 25: 108-110
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1886). Supplementary enumeration of the Cercosporae. J. of Mycology 2 (1): 1-2
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1886). New species of fungi from various localities. J. of Mycology 2 (4): 37-42
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1886). New species of fungi from various localities. J. of Mycology 2: 87-89
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1886). New species of fungi from various localities. J. of Mycology 2 (9): 99-104
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1887). Additions to Cercospora, Gloeosporium and Cylindrosporium. J. of Mycology 3 (2): 13-22
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1887). New species of fungi. J. of Mycology 3 (4): 41-45
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1887). New species of Ustilagineae and Uredineae. J. of Mycology 3 (2): 55-57
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1887). Additions to Hypocreaceae. J. of Mycology 3: 113-116
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1887). New species of fungi from various localities. J. of Mycology 3: 127-130
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1895). New species of fungi from various localities. Proc. of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 47: 413-441
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1896). New species of tropical fungi. Bull. of the Laboratory of Natural History of Iowa State University 4: 67-72
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1897). New species of fungi from various localities. Am. Midland Naturalist 31: 339-343, 426-440
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1897). New species of fungi from various localities. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 24: 125-137
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1897). New species of North American fungi from various localities. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 24: 277-292
- Ellis, J.B.; Everhart, B.M. (1897). New species of fungi from various localities. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club 24 (10): 457-477
- 1890. Ellis, Job Bicknell; Everhart Benjamin Matlack. North American Pyromycetes. Publisher: Newfield, N. J., Ellis & Everhart. 800 pp.
La abreviatura Ellis se emplea para indicar a Job Bicknell Ellis como autoridad en la descripción y clasificación científica de los vegetales. (Ver listado de especies descritas por este autor en IPNI)
- «Job Bicknell Ellis», Índice Internacional de Nombres de las Plantas (IPNI), Real Jardín Botánico de Kew, Herbario de la Universidad de Harvard y Herbario nacional Australiano (eds.), http://www.ipni.org/ipni/authorsearch?id=18462-1&query_type=by_id&output_format=object_view
Wikiespecies tiene un artículo sobre Job Bicknell Ellis. Wikispecies
Categorías:- Botánicos con abreviatura de autor
- Nacidos en 1829
- Fallecidos en 1905
- Botánicos de Estados Unidos
- Micólogos de Estados Unidos
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