Le Divorce

Le Divorce
Le Divorce
Título Le Divorce
Ficha técnica
Dirección James Ivory
Producción Ismail Merchant
Michael Schiffer
Guion Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
James Ivory
(Novela: Diane Johnson)
Música Richard Robbins
Fotografía Pierre Lhomme
Reparto Kate Hudson
Naomi Watts
Glenn Close
Datos y cifras
País(es) Estados Unidos
Estreno 8 de agosto de 2003
Género Comedia. Romance
Duración 117 minutos
Idioma(s) Inglés
Distribución Fox Searchlight
Ficha en FilmAffinity

Le Divorce es una película de 2003 dirigida por James Ivory con guion de Ruth Prawer Jhabvala e Ivory, basada en una famosa novela de Diane Johnson.


Isabel Walker viaja a París para acompañar a su hermanastra Roxeanna, que está embarazada y al llegar descubre que Roxeanna ha sido abandonada por su marido, Charles-Henry de Persand, y van a divorciarse. Una vez en Paris, Isabel se enamora de un diplomático francés que resulta ser el tío del futuro ex-marido de Roxeanna. Esto provoca un escándalo y complica aún más las relaciones entre ambas familias, hasta que un crimen pasional deja a todo el mundo conmocionado.


Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence) —     Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence)     Divorce is defined in jurisprudence as the dissolution or partial suspension by law of the marriage relation (Bouvier s Law Dictionary).… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • DIVORCE — Le divorce est la rupture, consacrée par le droit, de l’union conjugale. Ce caractère le distingue nettement de la séparation de corps qui ne rompt pas le lien matrimonial, mais fait seulement disparaître l’obligation de cohabitation, et de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • DIVORCE — (Heb. גֵּרוּשִׁין), the formal dissolution of the marriage bond. IN THE BIBLE Divorce was accepted as an established custom in ancient Israel (cf. Lev. 21:7, 14; 22:13; Num. 30:10; Deut. 22:19, 29). In keeping with the other cultures of the Near… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • divorce — di·vorce 1 n [Middle French, from Latin divortium, from divortere divertere to leave one s marriage partner, from di away, apart + vertere to turn]: the dissolution of a valid marriage granted esp. on specified statutory grounds (as adultery)… …   Law dictionary

  • Divorce (in Moral Theology) —     Divorce (in Moral Theology)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Divorce (in Moral Theology)     This subject will be treated here under two distinct heads: First, divorce in moral theology; second, divorce in civil jurisprudence.     The term… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Divorce mill — is a term used for a jurisdiction that is typically used for divorces by non residents and/or used to obtain a divorce quickly and/or allow for contested divorces quickly and with little or no compensation to the other spouse. With the seven day… …   Wikipedia

  • Divorce insurance — is a form of contractual liability insurance that pays the insured a cash benefit if their marriage ends in divorce. The purpose of divorce insurance is to mitigate the risk of incurring significant financial loss as a result of a divorce… …   Wikipedia

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  • Divorce Me, Darling! — Divorce Me, Darling is a musical written by Sandy Wilson. Set ten years after the events depicted in Wilson s much better known The Boy Friend, it is a pastiche of 1930s musicals (in particular those of Cole Porter) rather than the Roaring… …   Wikipedia

  • Divorce plan — is a plan of action to help assist the divorcing individual leave the marriage as independent and financially intact as possible. Most divorce plans focus on finances above all else since the financial picture is what is of main concern to both… …   Wikipedia

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