


Baksheesh es un término utlizado para referirse al acto de dar caridad, a cierto tipo de corrupción policial, y a los sobornos en medio oriente y el sudeste de Asia


La palabra baksheesh tiene sus orígenes en la palabra persa bakshish (بخشش), que significa "regalo". Baksheesh es una de las tantas palabras persas que se expandió hacia el este y el imperio mongol.

Tipos de Baksheesh

  • Caridad a mendigos. Los pobres piden limosna diciendo 'baksheesh, baba!'.
  • propinas. Esto no está relacionado con el sistema americano de dar propina a un mozo. Es más vale, un símbolo de agradecimiento, respeto o veneración. Los Fakires también pueden pedir baksheesh, pero no piensan que lo que hacen en realidad es mendigar.
  • Sobornos. Por ejemplo, si un policía te descubre llevando drogas quizá te de la opción de ir a la cárcel o pagar el baksheesh
Obtenido de "Baksheesh"

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  • Baksheesh — is a term used to describe tipping, charitable giving, and certain forms of political corruption and bribery in the Middle East and South Asia. OriginsBaksheesh is a Persian word, written fa. بخشش and originating from the Pahlavi (Middle Iranian) …   Wikipedia

  • Baksheesh — Bak sheesh , Bakshish Bak shish , n. Same as {Backsheesh}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • baksheesh — aksheesh n. 1. A relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter). Same as {Backsheesh}. Syn: gratuity, tip, bakshish, bakshis, backsheesh. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • baksheesh — 1620s, in India, Egypt, etc., a tip, from Pers. bakhshish, lit. gift, from verb bakhshidan to give (also to forgive ), from PIE root *bhag to share out, apportion, distribute (see PHAGOUS (Cf. phagous)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • baksheesh — ► NOUN ▪ (in some eastern countries and the Indian subcontinent) a small sum of money given as alms, a tip, or a bribe. ORIGIN Persian …   English terms dictionary

  • baksheesh — [bak′shēsh΄] n. [prob. via Ar baqshīsh or Anglo Ind bucksheesh < Pers baḫšiš < baḫšīdan, to give; akin to Sans bhájah, (he) allots: see PHAGOUS] in Egypt, India, etc., a tip, a gratuity, or alms …   English World dictionary

  • baksheesh — 1. noun /bækˈʃiːʃ/ In the Middle East and southwest Asia, a bribe or tip paid to speed up services. the complex Oriental etiquette which under the name of baksheesh calls for lavish remuneration and bribes, rudely demanded but ever so graciously… …   Wiktionary

  • baksheesh —    (BAHK sheesh) [Persian: gift] Money; a tip in cash.    With his country on the verge of economic meltdown, he is back in line for American baksheesh …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • baksheesh — /ˈbækʃiʃ / (say baksheesh), /bækˈʃiʃ/ (say bak sheesh) noun 1. (in South and South West Asia) a charitable gift. 2. Colloquial a. a tip or gratuity. b. a bribe. –verb (t) 3. to give a charitable gift or gratuity (to). Also, bakshish …  

  • baksheesh — noun Etymology: Persian bakhshīsh, from bakhshīdan to give; akin to Greek phagein to eat, Sanskrit bhajati he allots Date: circa 1760 payment (as a tip or bribe) to expedite service …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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