Oh My Darling, Clementine

Oh My Darling, Clementine

Oh My Darling, Clementine es una canción popular estadounidense usualmente atribuida a Percy Montrose aunque algunas veces se atribuye a Barker Bradford. Se cree que la canción está basada en otra canción anterior llamada Down by the River Liv'd a Maiden de H. S. Thompson.


La canción tomo fama rápidamente entre grupos de scouts, siendo cantada en muchas acampadas y excursiones al bosque que organizan estos grupos.

Clementine en la cultura moderna

Oh My Darling, Clementine es la cancioncilla que siempre va cantando Huckleberry Hound. Debido a esto, la protagonista del filme Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind se llama Clementine.

La canción se ha convertido en un himno para algunos equipos de fútbol del Reino Unido y es cantada durante los encuentros.


Original Version

In a cavern, in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine
Dwelt a miner forty niner,
And his daughter Clementine
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Light she was and like a fairy,
And her shoes were number nine,
Herring boxes, without topses,
Sandals were for Clementine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Drove she ducklings to the water
Ev'ry morning just at nine,
Hit her foot against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Ruby lips above the water,
Blowing bubbles, soft and fine,
But, alas, I was no swimmer,
So I lost my Clementine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
How I missed her! How I missed her,
How I missed my Clementine,
But I kissed her little sister,
I forgot my Clementine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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