

Oreb es un nombre hebreo del Antiguo Testamento que significa cuervo.

En la época de los Jueces los madianitas tenían dos príncipes, Oreb (en hebreo עֹרֵב, Orev) y Zeeb (en hebreo זְאֵב, Z'ev), que combatieron contra Israel, utilizando camellos, hasta que fueron finalmente vencidos por Gedeón. Oreb fue asesinado junto con Zeeb (Jueces 7:20-25). Muchos de los madianitas perecieron con él (Salmos 83:12; Isaías 10:26).

El lugar donde Gedeón mató a Oreb tras la derrota del ejército de Madián se denomina Roca de Oreb, el cual probablemente se corresponda con el sitio actualmente llamado Orbo, al este del río Jordán, cerca de Beit She'an.


  • Este artículo incorpora información procedente de la obra Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897), en dominio público (en inglés).

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Oreb — Oreb, a Hebrew Old Testament name meaning raven . By the time of the Judges, the Midianites, led by two princes Oreb (Hebrew: עֹרֵב, Orev ) and Zeeb (Hebrew: זְאֵב, Z ev ) were raiding Israel with the use of swift camels, until they were… …   Wikipedia

  • Oreb — Òreb DEFINICIJA ONOMASTIKA m. os. ime, zast.; v. jarebica, v. vrabac …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Oreb — BW f1 Oreb Höhe 260 m n.m. Lage Tschechien Gebirge …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • OREB — I. OREB Ebraice Gap desc: Hebrew, Latine, corvus, suavis, aut fideiussor, vel commiscens, aut vespertinus. Vir Midianita cum Zebo a Gideone interfectus, Iudic. c. 7. v. 25. Psal. 83. v. 12. Ioseph. l. 5. c. 8. II. OREB Ebraice Gap desc: Hebrew,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Oreb — Sp Òrebas Ap Oreb L kalva Čekijoje …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Oreb and Zeeb — Oreb, a Hebrew Old Testament name meaning raven. By the time of the Judges, the Midianites, led by two princes Oreb (Hebrew: עֹרֵב, Orev) and Zeeb (Hebrew: זְאֵב, Z ev) were raiding Israel with the use of swift camels, until they were decisively… …   Wikipedia

  • OREB AND ZEEB — (Heb. עוֹרֵב, עׂרֵב, raven ; זְאֵב, wolf ), two Midianite princes captured by the Ephraimites during a battle led by Gideon the judge (Judg. 7:25; 8:1–3). To commemorate the event, the places where the capture occurred were called The Rock of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Oreb, The rock of —    The place where Gideon slew Oreb after the defeat of the Midianites (Judg. 7:25; Isa. 10:26). It was probably the place now called Orbo, on the east of Jordan, near Bethshean …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Oreb —    Raven, a prince of Midian, who, being defeated by Gideon and put to straits, was slain along with Zeeb (Judg. 7:20 25). Many of the Midianites perished along with him (Ps. 83:9; Isa. 10:26) …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • oreb — …   Useful english dictionary

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