The Cold Light of Day

The Cold Light of Day
The Cold Light of Day
Título The Cold Light of Day
Ficha técnica
Dirección Mabrouk El Mechri
Producción Marc D. Evans
Trevor Macy
Música Lucas Vidal
Fotografía Remi Adefarasin
Montaje Valerio Bonelli
Reparto Bruce Willis
Sigourney Weaver
Henry Cavill
Caroline Goodall
Rafi Gavron
Jim Piddock
Óscar Jaenada
Lolo Herrero
Datos y cifras
País(es) Canadá
Año 2011
Idioma(s) Inglés
Distribución Summit Entertaiment
Estudio Intrepid Pictures

The Cold Light of Day es una película próxima a estrenarse en 2011 de thriller dirigida por Mabrouk El Mechri protagonizada por Bruce Willis, Sigourney Weaver, y Henry Cavill.



Un joven americano (Cavill) descubre una conspiración durante su intento de salvar a su familia, que fueron secuestrados mientras estaban de vacaciones en España.




La película se rodo en Javea, Denia y una escena en Madrid

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • the cold light of day — the objective realities of a situation in the cold light of day it all seemed so ridiculous …   Useful english dictionary

  • in the cold light of day — see under ↑day • • • Main Entry: ↑cold in the cold light of day In full and impartial knowledge of the facts • • • Main Entry: ↑day * * * in the cold light of day phrase used for …   Useful english dictionary

  • in the cold light of day — if you think about something in the cold light of day, you think about it clearly and calmly, without the emotions you had at the time it happened, and you often feel sorry or ashamed about it. The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah… …   New idioms dictionary

  • in the cold light of day — {adv. phr.} After sleeping on it; after giving it more thought; using common sense and looking at the matter unemotionally and realistically. * /Lost night my ideas seemed terrific, but in the cold light of day I realize that they won t work./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in the cold light of day — {adv. phr.} After sleeping on it; after giving it more thought; using common sense and looking at the matter unemotionally and realistically. * /Lost night my ideas seemed terrific, but in the cold light of day I realize that they won t work./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in\ the\ cold\ light\ of\ day — adv. phr. After sleeping on it; after giving it more thought; using common sense and looking at the matter unemotionally and realistically. Lost night my ideas seemed terrific, but in the cold light of day I realize that they won t work …   Словарь американских идиом

  • in the cold light of day — used for saying how people feel about emotional matters when they think about them later in a calmer way In the cold light of day I felt that I d over reacted …   English dictionary

  • cold light of day — If you see things in the cold light of day, you see them as they really are, not as you might want them to be …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • cold light of day —    If you see things in the cold light of day, you see them as they really are, not as you might want them to be.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Cold light of day —   If you see things in the cold light of day, you see them as they really are, not as you might want them to be …   Dictionary of English idioms

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