Upside Down

Upside Down
Upside Down
Columbia City Cinema main hall.jpg
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Título Upside Down
Ficha técnica
Dirección Juan Diego Solanas
Producción Claude Léger
Dimitri Rassam
Aton Soumache
Jonathan Vanger
Alexis Vonarb
Fotografía Pierre Gill
Montaje Dominique Fortin
Paul Jutras
Reparto Jim Sturgess
Kirsten Dunst
Datos y cifras
País(es) Francia
Año 2011
Idioma(s) Inglés
Presupuesto $50 millones

Upside Down es una película a estrenarse escrita y dirigida por Juan Diego Solanas. Protagonizada por Jim Sturgess y Kirsten Dunst, la película es sobre un hombre buscando un universo alternativo por un amor perdido de su juventud. Se ha terminado de filmar y ahora está en post-producción. Se lanzará en 2011.[1] [2]



La película será distribuida en Francia en Warner Bros.[3]


  1. «Upside Down». IMDb (May, 2010). Consultado el 25-05-2010.
  2. «Upside Down Poster and Release». QuietEarth (26 de mayo de 2010). Consultado el 26-05-2010.
  3. «Upside Down» (en french). AlloCiné. Tiger Global. Consultado el 27-12-2010.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • upside down — upside down1 adv [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: up so down up as if down (14 16 centuries)] 1.) with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top ▪ To get the plant out of the pot, turn it upside down and give it a gentle knock. 2.) turn sth upside …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • upside down — adverb * with the top part at the bottom or lower than the bottom part: The car landed upside down in a ditch. turn someone s life/world upside down to change someone s life completely, often in a way that is shocking or upsetting: My world has… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Upside down — Upside Up side , n. 1. The upper side; the part that is uppermost. [1913 Webster] 2. the benefits; the positive features; said of a situation or event that has both positive (good) and negative (bad) aspects. [PJC] {To be upsides with}, to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • upside down — upside down, adj. upside downness, n. 1. with the upper part undermost. 2. in or into complete disorder; topsy turvy: The burglars turned the house upside down. [1300 50; re formation (see UPSIDE) of ME upsedoun, earlier up so doun (see UP, SO1,… …   Universalium

  • upside down — n. [ME up so doun, lit., up as if down: altered by folk etym.] 1. with the top side or part underneath or turned over; inverted 2. in disorder; topsy turvy upside down adj …   English World dictionary

  • upside-down — upside down; upside down·ness; …   English syllables

  • upside down — (See smiles, frowns, and upside downs) …   Glossary of postal terms

  • upside down — ► ADVERB & ADJECTIVE 1) with the upper part where the lower part should be. 2) in or into total disorder. ORIGIN from up so down, perhaps in the sense «up as if down» …   English terms dictionary

  • Upside down — Up side down , adv. in such a manner that the part normally pointed upward is pointed downward; same as {upsidown} and {upsodown}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Upside-down — Up side down , a. having the part normally pointed upward pointed downward; inverted. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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