


C++Builder es un entorno de desarrollo integrado en lenguaje C++ para Windows inicialmente de la empresa Borland, actualmente de su ex-filial CodeGear.


Es un IDE que se ejecutaba bajo linea de comandos.


Lanzado en 1997, después de Delphi, y con un entorno similar a éste. Muchos componentes de Delphi pueden utilizarse en C++. La última versión es C++Builder 2009 (lanzada en 2008), de la que existen tres ediciones: Professional, Enterprise y Architect. Está incluido en CodeGear RAD estudio 2009, junto con Delphi 2009 . La anterior versión 2006 estuvo incluida en Borland Developer Studio 2006.

En septiembre de 2006 se lanzó una versión reducida, llamada Turbo C++, recuperando un nombre clásico dentro de los productos Borland.

Junto con otras herramientas de desarrollo fue transferido a CodeGear al crearse esta filial de Borland en noviembre de 2006, siendo dicha filial adquirida en 2008 por Embarcadero.


Según sus partidarios es completamente intuitivo, siendo como programar en un entorno Visual Basic pero con la solidez de un lenguaje como C++.

Obtenido de "C%2B%2BBuilder"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Builder — can mean any of the following: *General contractor or Subcontractor that specializes in building work *Construction worker who specializes in building work *Builders Energy, an oil and gas services company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.… …   Wikipedia

  • Builder (patrón de diseño) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Como Patrón de diseño, el patrón builder (Constructor) es usado para permitir la creación de una variedad de objetos complejos desde un objeto fuente (Producto), el objeto fuente se compone de una variedad de partes… …   Wikipedia Español

  • builder — build‧er [ˈbɪldə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. PROPERTY JOBS a person or company that builds or repairs buildings: • He called in a local firm of builders. ˌcowboy ˈbuilder informal P …   Financial and business terms

  • Builder's risk insurance — is a special type of property insurance which indemnifies against damage to buildings while they are under construction.[1] Builder s risk insurance is coverage that protects a person s or organization s insurable interest in materials, fixtures… …   Wikipedia

  • Builder — (englisch für „Erbauer“) steht für: Builder (Entwurfsmuster), ein Entwurfsmuster in der Software Entwicklung Builder (Chemie), Inhaltsstoffe von Waschmitteln Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer m …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Builder — Build er, n. One who builds; one whose occupation is to build, as a carpenter, a shipwright, or a mason. [1913 Webster] In the practice of civil architecture, the builder comes between the architect who designs the work and the artisans who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Builder (US Navy) — Builder (abbreviated as BU) is a United States Navy occupational rating. A builder is responsible for the construction and repair of wood, concrete, and masonry structures. Their work can involve sheet rock, ceramic tile, or painting, while… …   Wikipedia

  • Builder's Old Measurement — (BOM) is the method of calculating the size or cargo capacity of a ship used in England from approximately 1720 to 1849. The BOM estimated the tonnage of a ship based on length and maximum beam. The formula is: Tonnage = frac {({Length} Beam}… …   Wikipedia

  • builder's lien — The action that a supplier of goods or services, in respect of construction, can take by filing an entitlement against that property for monies he is owed. Refer to the Builder s Lien Act. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • builder's bottom — or builder s bum noun (slang) The cleavage at the top of the buttocks revealed above low hanging trousers when a person, esp a workman, bends down • • • Main Entry: ↑build …   Useful english dictionary

  • builder's bum — builder s bottom or builder s bum noun (slang) The cleavage at the top of the buttocks revealed above low hanging trousers when a person, esp a workman, bends down • • • Main Entry: ↑build …   Useful english dictionary

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