


Se denomina Bowl o Tazón al partido final de algunas ligas de fútbol americano o a títulos disputados a partido único de este deporte. El origen del término viene de la forma de tazón o cuenco de los estadios, como el Rose Bowl, donde se celebra desde 1923 "El Tazón de las Rosas", el evento de fútbol americano universitario más antiguo de los Estados Unidos.


Bowl Championship Series

De entre todos los partidos tazón del fútbol americano universitario destacan los encuadrados en las denominadas Bowl Championship Series, que son cuatro, y que cada año van rotando. Son los siguientes:

Nombre Primera edición Ciudad Estadio
Fiesta Bowl 1971 Glendale, Arizona University of Phoenix Stadium
Orange Bowl 1935 Miami, Florida Dolphin Stadium
Rose Bowl 1902 Pasadena, California Rose Bowl
Sugar Bowl 1935 Nueva Orleáns, Luisiana Louisiana Superdome

Desde 2006, el campeón universitario nacional norteamericano se decide en el BCS National Championship Game, que disputan los dos mejores equipos de la Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) de la División I de la NCAA.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Bowl — may refer to:* Bowl (drug culture), the receptacle in which marijuana is placed prior to smoking * Bowl, slang meaning to walk in the UK: Let s bowl * Bowl (vessel), a common open top vessel used to serve food * Bowls, a precision sport popular… …   Wikipedia

  • bowl — bowl1 [bōl] n. [ME bolle < OE bolla, cup, bowl < IE base * bhel , to swell, inflate (see BALL1); infl. in OE by L bulla, bubble, ball] 1. a deep, rounded container or dish, open at the top 2. the capacity or contents of a bowl 3. a thing or …   English World dictionary

  • Bowl — Bowl, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bowled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bowling}.] 1. To roll, as a bowl or cricket ball. [1913 Webster] Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel, And bowl the round nave down the hill of heaven. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bowl — (b[=o]l), n. [OE. bolle, AS. bolla; akin to Icel. bolli, Dan. bolle, G. bolle, and perh. to E. boil a tumor. Cf. {Boll}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A concave vessel of various forms (often approximately hemispherical), to hold liquids, etc. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bowl — à Seattle Le bowl : à l origine, une …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bowl — Ⅰ. bowl [1] ► NOUN 1) a round, deep dish or basin. 2) a rounded, concave part of an object. 3) a natural basin. 4) chiefly N. Amer. a stadium for sporting or musical events. ORIGIN Old English, related to BOLL(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • Bowl — (b[=o]l), n. [F. boule, fr. L. bulla bubble, stud. Cf. {Bull} an edict, {Bill} a writing.] [1913 Webster] 1. A ball of wood or other material used for rolling on a level surface in play; a ball of hard wood having one side heavier than the other …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bowl — ‘round receptacle’ [OE] and bowl ‘ball used in bowls’ [15] come from different sources. The former (Old English bolle or bolla) comes ultimately from the Germanic base *bul , *bal , which was also the source of English ball, balloon, and ballot.… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • bowl — bowl; bowl·der·ing; bowl·dery; …   English syllables

  • bowl — ‘round receptacle’ [OE] and bowl ‘ball used in bowls’ [15] come from different sources. The former (Old English bolle or bolla) comes ultimately from the Germanic base *bul , *bal , which was also the source of English ball, balloon, and ballot.… …   Word origins

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