


Es un personaje del universo Transformers

Transformers Energon

Apareció en el capitulo "Bulkhead".

Comanda a los Autobots Cliffjumper y Downshift. Se transforma en un Helicóptero armado.

Bulkhead está basado en el Autobot Springer

Nombre original: Bulkhead

Nombre Japones: Sprung

Transformers Animated

Es un gran robot programado para la demolición. Bulkhead pertenece al equipo de Mantenimiento comandado por Prime.

Bulkhead asistió a la academia Autobot, Se hizo amigo de Bumblebee y Sari. Él es grande y fuerte lo que le impide moverse con agilidad (en esta version se transforma en un auto blindado), pero es amable y tiene habilidades con el arte e interés con las criaturas terrestres. Bulkhead, aunque no lo crean es el mayor genio en tecnología de puentes espaciales, revelado en el episodio "A un puente de distancia".


Bulkhead (Animated) Teletraan 1(ingles)

Obtenido de "Bulkhead"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Bulkhead — est un personnage de fiction de l univers Transformers. Transformers: Animated Bulkhead apparaît dans Transformers: Animated parmi les personnages principaux de la série. Il est le seul héros Autobot dont le nom ne provient pas de Génération 1.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bulkhead — may refer to:* Bulkhead (barrier), a form of coastal management akin to a seawall * Bulkhead (partition): a wall within the hull of a ship, vehicle, or container * Bulkhead flatcars: a type of rolling stock designed with sturdy end walls *… …   Wikipedia

  • Bulkhead — Bulk head , n. [See {Bulk} part of a building.] 1. (Naut.) A partition in a vessel, to separate apartments on the same deck. [1913 Webster] 2. A structure of wood or stone, to resist the pressure of earth or water; a partition wall or structure,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulkhead — index buffer zone, bulwark Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bulkhead — late 15c., perhaps from BULK (Cf. bulk) framework projecting in the front of a shop (1580s), which is perhaps from O.N. bolkr beam, balk (see BALK (Cf. balk)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bulkhead — ► NOUN ▪ a barrier between separate compartments inside a ship, aircraft, etc. ORIGIN from Old Norse, partition + HEAD(Cf. ↑headless) …   English terms dictionary

  • bulkhead — [bulk′hed΄] n. [ BULK2 + HEAD] 1. any of the upright partitions separating parts of a ship, airplane, etc. as for protection against fire or leakage 2. a wall or embankment for holding back earth, fire, water, etc. ☆ 3. a boxlike structure built… …   English World dictionary

  • bulkhead — [1] A structural partition that separates compartments. This is generally a metal wall that extends from one side of a vehicle to the other. In the engine compartment, you would find a radiator bulkhead near the front and a firewall near the back …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bulkhead — UK [ˈbʌlkˌhed] / US noun [countable] Word forms bulkhead : singular bulkhead plural bulkheads a wall that divides the inside of a ship or plane into separate areas …   English dictionary

  • bulkhead — [[t]bʌ̱lkhed[/t]] bulkheads N COUNT A bulkhead is a wall which divides the inside of a ship or aeroplane into separate sections. [TECHNICAL] Syn: partition …   English dictionary

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