Campus virtual

Campus virtual

Campus virtual

"Un entorno posibilitado por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, que soporta integralmente los procesos educativos, administrativos y sociales de las instituciones educativas".

ORTIZ, Luis Farley (2007). «Campus Virtual: la educación más allá del LMS» [artículo en línea]. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC). Vol. 4, n1. UOC. [Fecha de consulta: dd/mm/aa]. <> ISSN 1698-580X

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Virtual education — refers to instruction in a learning environment where teacher and student are separated by time or space, or both, and the teacher provides course content through the use of methods such as course management applications, multimedia resources,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Virtual university — The term virtual university is used to describe any organization that provides higher education programs through electronic devices such as the computer. Some of the Universities are real institutes, the bricks and mortar type that provide online …   Wikipedia

  • Campus of Virginia Tech — Burruss Hall, signature building on the Virginia Tech campus …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual learning environment — Defined largely by usage, the term virtual learning environment (VLE) has most, if not all, of the following salient properties: It is Web based It uses Web 2.0 tools for rich 2 way interaction It includes a content management system It models… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual campus — A Virtual Campus refers to the online offerings of a college or university where college work is completed either partially or wholly online, often with the assistance of the teacher, professor, or teaching assistant. The University of Phoenix… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual LAN — A virtual LAN, commonly known as a VLAN, is a group of hosts with a common set of requirements that communicate as if they were attached to the Broadcast domain, regardless of their physical location. A VLAN has the same attributes as a physical… …   Wikipedia

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