
Portada de un chapbook de finales del s. XVII o principios del s. XVIII.

Chapbook es un término genérico para nombrar un tipo particular de folleto de tamaño de bolsillo muy popular desde el siglo XVI hasta finales del siglo XIX. No se le puede aplicar una definición exacta, el chapbook puede ser cualquier cosa que venda un chapman, que era una especie de buhonero especializado en la compra-venta de estos chapbooks.

El término chapbook fue definido por los bibliófilos del siglo XIX, como una variedad de ephemera (efímero), término griego utilizado en parte de Europa para referirse al conjunto de todas las variedades de material impreso desechable.

Esto incluía también varios tipos de material de imprenta, tales como, panfletos, tratados políticos y religiosos, poemas, leyendas, cuentos infantiles o almanaques en los que se incluían estos libritos de usar y tirar. Los chapbooks con ilustraciones eran muy populares.

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  • Spufford, Margaret Small Books and Pleasant Histories: Popular Fiction and its Readership in seventeenth Century England, (Methuen, 1981)

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Chapbook — Chap book , n. [See {Chap} to cheapen.] Any small book carried about for sale by chapmen or hawkers. Hence, any small book; a toy book. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chapbook — 1824, shortened from chap(man) book, so called because chapmen (see CHEAP (Cf. cheap)) sold such books on the street …   Etymology dictionary

  • chapbook — [chap′book΄] n. [ CHAP(MAN) + BOOK: chapmen sold such books in the streets] a small book or pamphlet of poems, ballads, religious tracts, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Chapbook — Chap Book redirects here. For the 19th century American magazine, see The Chap Book. Chapbook frontispiece of Voltaire s The Extraodinary Fate of Calas, showing a man being tortured, late 17th century. A chapbook is a pocket sized booklet. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Chapbook —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec The Chap Book. Frontispice d un chapbook : fin du XVIIIe siècle ou début du XIXe siècle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • chapbook — /chap book /, n. 1. a small book or pamphlet of popular tales, ballads, etc., formerly hawked about by chapmen. 2. a small book or pamphlet, often of poetry. [1790 1800; chap (as in CHAPMAN) + BOOK] * * * ▪ literature       small, inexpensive… …   Universalium

  • chapbook — noun A small book, usually made from a single sheet, folded several times, containing poems, ballads or religious tracts This was, till within the last few years, a favourite chapbook in the north of England …   Wiktionary

  • chapbook — /ˈtʃæpbʊk/ (say chapbook) noun 1. one of a type of small books or pamphlets of popular tales, ballads, etc., such as were formerly hawked about by chapmen. 2. a small publication, usually about 40 pages, often of poetry …  

  • chapbook — ˈchapˌbu̇k noun Etymology: chapman + book 1. : a small book or pamphlet of a kind formerly sold by chapmen containing popular tales, treatises, ballads, or nursery rhymes 2. : a small book or pamphlet resembling a chapbook …   Useful english dictionary

  • chapbook — noun Etymology: chapman + book Date: 1798 a small book containing ballads, poems, tales, or tracts …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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