Covent Garden Market

Covent Garden Market

Covent Garden Market

Covent Garden es un distrito de Londres, Inglaterra, localizado en el parte mas al oeste de la City of Westminster y en la esquina sudoeste de London Borough of Camdem. El área está dominada por tiendas, artistas callejeros y diversos elementos de entretenimiento y contiene una entrada a la Royal Opera House Covent Garden, la cual es célebremente conocido como Convent Garden, y la ajetreada área de Seven Dials.

El área esta rodeada por High Holborn al norte, Kingsway al este, the Strand al sur y Charing Cross Road al oeste. Covent Garden Piazza esta localizada en el centro geográfico y era el lugar de un mercado de flores, verduras y fruttas de 1500 a 1974, cuando el marceado fue colocado en el New Covent Garden Market en Nine Elms, Las áreas cercanas incluyen Soho, St Jame´s, Bloomsbury y Holbron


Era Romana a los 1500 Un asentamiento romano ha existido en esta área desde los tiempos romanos del Londinium.

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  • New Covent Garden Market — is the largest wholesale fruit, vegetable and flower market in the UK. Located in Nine Elms between Vauxhall and Battersea, South West London, the Market covers a site of 57 acres (230,670 m²) and is home to approximately 200 fruit, vegetable and …   Wikipedia

  • New Covent Garden Market — [New Covent Garden Market] (also New Covent Garden) London’s main market selling fruit, vegetables and flowers in large quantities to people who then sell them to the public. It has been in ↑Vauxhall on the south bank of the ↑Thames since it was… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Covent Garden — …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • New Covent Garden Market — (also New Covent Garden) London’s main market selling fruit, vegetables and flowers in large quantities to people who then sell them to the public. It has been in Vauxhall on the south bank of the Thames since it was moved from Covent Garden in… …   Universalium

  • Covent Garden — This article is about the London district. For the theatre, see Royal Opera House. Coordinates: 51°30′43″N 0°07′22″W / 51.51197°N 0.1228°W / …   Wikipedia

  • Covent Garden — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Covent Garden (homonymie). Covent Garden L intérieur de l ancien marché …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Covent Garden — /kuv euhnt, kov / 1. a district in central London, England, formerly a vegetable and flower market. 2. a theater in this district, first built 1731 32, important in English theatrical history: home of the Royal Opera and Royal Ballet. * * *… …   Universalium

  • Covent Garden — Cov|ent Gar|den 1.) an area of London once famous for its fruit and vegetable market, but which now has expensive but popular shops, eating places, etc. 2.) another name for the Royal Opera House, which is next to the place where Covent Garden… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Covent Garden tube station — Covent Garden …   Wikipedia

  • New Covent Garden — Market [New Covent Garden Market] (also New Covent Garden) London’s main market selling fruit, vegetables and flowers in large quantities to people who then sell them to the public. It has been in ↑Vauxhall on the south bank of the ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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