


Álbum de After Forever
Publicación 27 de mayo del 2001
Género(s) Gothic Metal y Metal sinfónico
Duración 54:41
Discográfica Transmission
Productor(es) Sascha Paeth
Sencillos de Decipher
  1. Emphasis / Who Wants To Live Forever
    Publicación: 2002
  2. Monolith Of Doubt
    Publicación: 2002
Cronología de After Forever

Prison of Desire


Invisible Circles

Decipher es el segundo álbum de la banda de metal gótico, After Forever. Este álbum cuenta con doce canciones de corte bastante melódico y con las voces soprano en alto estado de evolución, resulta un gran álbum para el movimiento de metal gótico, ya que cuenta con temas líricos acordes, además de una elaborada música, combinación de fuerza, guturales y la hermosa voz de la soprano.


  1. Ex Cathedra: Ouverture - 2:02
  2. Monolith of Doubt – 3:32
  3. My Pledge of Allegiance #1: The Sealed Fate – 6:24
  4. Emphasis – 4:20
  5. Intrinsic – 6:44
  6. Zenith – 4:21
  7. Estranged – 6:56
  8. Imperfect Tenses – 4:07
  9. My Pledge of Allegiance #2: The Tempted Fate - 5:07
  10. The Key – 4:48
  11. Forlorn Hope – 6:25
Bonustack (solo en la edición limitada)
  1. My Pledge Of Allegiance #1: The Sealed Fate (Live) - 6:28
  2. Forlorn Hope (Live) - 6:22


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Decipher — Студийный альбом After Forever …   Википедия

  • Decipher — De*ci pher, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deciphered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Deciphering}.] [Pref. de + cipher. Formed in imitation of F. d[ e]chiffrer. See {Cipher}.] 1. To translate from secret characters or ciphers into intelligible terms; as, to decipher a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Decipher — Album par After Forever Sortie 2001 Durée 54:36 Genre Metal gothique Metal symphonique Label Transmission Records …   Wikipédia en Français

  • decipher — index ascertain, clarify, construe (comprehend), construe (translate), detect, elucidate, explain …   Law dictionary

  • decipher — 1520s, from DE (Cf. de ) + CIPHER (Cf. cipher). Perhaps in part a loan translation from M.Fr. déchiffrer …   Etymology dictionary

  • decipher — vb *solve, resolve, unfold, unravel Analogous words: interpret, construe, elucidate (see EXPLAIN): translate, paraphrase (see corresponding nouns at TRANSLATION) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • decipher — [v] figure out, understand analyze, break, break down, bring out, cipher, construe, crack, decode, deduce, disentangle, dope out, elucidate, encipher, explain, expound, find the key, interpret, make clear, make out, puzzle out, read, render,… …   New thesaurus

  • decipher — ► VERB 1) convert from code into normal language. 2) succeed in understanding (something hard to interpret). DERIVATIVES decipherable adjective decipherment noun …   English terms dictionary

  • decipher — [dē sī′fər, disī′fər] vt. [ DE + CIPHER] 1. to translate (a message in cipher or code) into ordinary, understandable language; decode 2. to make out the meaning of (ancient inscriptions, illegible writing, etc.) decipherable adj. decipherment n …   English World dictionary

  • DECIPHER — This article is about the biological database. For other uses, see Decipher (disambiguation). A segment of the human reference genome, viewed using Ensembl with the DECIPHER track enabled. Red bars represent individual mutations for anonymous… …   Wikipedia

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