


Para otros usos de este término véase Diary (desambiguación).
Álbum de Sunny Day Real Estate
Publicación 4 de enero de 1994
Grabación noviembrede 1993
Género(s) Emo
Duración 52:46
Discográfica Sub Pop Records
Productor(es) Brad Wood
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Sunny Day Real Estate


Sunny Day Real Estate (LP2)

Diary es el primer álbum de estudio de Sunny Day Real Estate. Se grabó en Idful, Chicago, Illinois en noviembre de 1993. La discográfica de la banda, One Day I Stopped Breathing, lanzó Diary en la navidad de 1993. Sub Pop Records, después de fichar a la banda, lanzó este disco a la venta el 4 de enero de 1994. Brad Wood produjo este disco.

Listado de canciones

  1. "Seven" – 4:45
  2. "In Circles" – 4:58
  3. "Song About an Angel" – 6:14
  4. "Round" – 4:09
  5. "47" – 4:34
  6. "The Blankets Were the Stairs" – 5:27
  7. "Pheurton Skeurto" – 2:33
  8. "Shadows" – 4:46
  9. "48" – 4:46
  10. "Grendel" – 4:53
  11. "Sometimes" – 5:42


Obtenido de "Diary"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • diary — di‧a‧ry [ˈdaɪəri ǁ ˈdaɪri] noun diaries PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a record of events that have happened, or a book containing these: • The bills in this case showed the attorney s diary entries and descriptions of the work done. 2. COMPUTING …   Financial and business terms

  • Diary of a G — Studio album by Mr. Capone E Released August 25, 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • Diary — Di a*ry (d[imac] [.a]*r[y^]), n.; pl. {Diaries}. [L. diarium, fr. dies day. See {Deity}.] A register of daily events or transactions; a daily record; a journal; a blank book dated for the record of daily memoranda; as, a diary of the weather; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Diary — Di a*ry, a. lasting for one day; as, a diary fever. [Obs.] Diary ague. Bacon. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • diary — index calendar (record of yearly periods), journal, ledger, register Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • diary — 1580s, from L. diarium daily allowance, later a journal, neut. of diarius daily, from dies day (see DIURNAL (Cf. diurnal)); also see ARY (Cf. ary). Earliest sense was a daily record of events; sense of the book in which such are written is said… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • diary — ► NOUN (pl. diaries) 1) a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences. 2) a book marked with each day s date, in which to note appointments. ORIGIN Latin diarium, from dies day …   English terms dictionary

  • diary — [dī′ə rē] n. pl. diaries [L diarium, daily allowance (of food or pay); hence, record of this < dies, day: see DEITY] 1. a daily written record, esp. of the writer s own experiences, thoughts, etc. 2. a book for keeping such a record …   English World dictionary

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