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Fabbrica Ligure Automobili Genova, con la intención de fabricar coches de lujo un grupo de industriales ligures crean en 1905 una firma en La Spezia pero que pronto se traslada a Génova, la "Fabbrica Ligure Automobili Genova".

Los Primeros modelos utilizaban motores de 4 cilindros (16 CV) y 6 cilindros (40 CV) y un modelo deportivo de 6 cilindros (70 CV).

En 1906 Giovanni Battista Raggio vence en el circuito de Brescia con un FLAG 6S/40 dando prestigio a la marca.

Aunque la situación financiera de la compañía era buena, la falta de una dirección técnica y de una buena organización hizo que los dueños de la marca decidieran venderla a la SPA de Turín en 1907.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • flag — flag …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Flag — Flag, n. [Cf. LG. & G. flagge, Sw. flagg, Dan. flag, D. vlag. See {Flag} to hang loose.] 1. That which flags or hangs down loosely. [1913 Webster] 2. A cloth usually bearing a device or devices and used to indicate nationality, party, etc., or to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flag — n Flag, ensign, standard, banner, color, streamer, pennant, pendant, pennon, jack are not always clearly distin guished. Flag, the comprehensive term, is applied to a piece of cloth that typically is rectangular, is attached to a staff, mast,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • flag — Ⅰ. flag [1] ► NOUN 1) an oblong piece of cloth that is raised on or attached to a pole and used as an emblem or marker. 2) a device or symbol resembling a flag, used as a marker. 3) a small paper badge given to people who donate to a charity… …   English terms dictionary

  • Flag — Flag, v. t. [From {Flag} an ensign.] 1. To signal to with a flag or by waving the hand; as, to flag a train; also used with down; as, to flag down a cab. [1913 Webster] 2. To convey, as a message, by means of flag signals; as, to flag an order to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flag — flag1 [flag] n. [LME flagge < FLAG4, in obs. sense “to flutter”] 1. a piece of cloth or bunting, often attached to a staff, with distinctive colors, patterns, or symbolic devices, used as a national or state symbol, as a signal, etc.; banner;… …   English World dictionary

  • Flag — Flag, n. [From {Flag} to hang loose, to bend down.] (Bot.) An aquatic plant, with long, ensiform leaves, belonging to either of the genera {Iris} and {Acorus}. [1913 Webster] {Cooper s flag}, the cat tail ({Typha latifolia}), the long leaves of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flag — steht für: Flag (Informatik), ein Variablentyp mit eng begrenztem Wertesatz, oft nur 0/1 das Spielgerät beim Flag Football das englische Wort für Flagge oder auch Fahne Flag (Lichttechnik), eine Vorrichtung in der Fotografie und Filmproduktion,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flag — [ flag ] n. m. • 1935; abrév. de flagrant délit ♦ Arg. Flagrant délit. « Le proxénétisme, c est un délit, merde ! Il est perpétuellement en flag, ce mec là » (M. Rolland). Des flags. flag ou flague [flag] n. m. ÉTYM. 1935; abrév. de flagrant… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • flag|gy — flag|gy1 «FLAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. hanging down limply; drooping. 2. soft and flabby; having no firmness; flaccid. ╂[< flag …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flag — (fl[a^]g), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flagged} (fl[a^]gd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flagging} (fl[a^]g g[i^]ng).] [Cf. Icel. flaka to droop, hang loosely. Cf. {Flacker}, {Flag} an ensign.] 1. To hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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