Flash cards

Flash cards
Un conjunto de flashcards mostrando el Sistema de Leitner.

Las flash cards (o tarjetas didácticas) son un conjunto de tarjetas que contienen información, como palabras y números, en uno o ambos lados usadas para adquirir diversos conocimientos a través de la relectura del conjunto de tarjetas. En un lado de la tarjeta se escribe una pregunta y en el otro la respuesta. Las flashcards pueden ser de vocabulario, datos históricos, fórmulas o cualquier cosa que pueda ser aprendida por medio de preguntas y respuestas. Las flashcards se usan ampliamente como un ejercicio de aprendizaje para ayudar a la memorización por medio de la repetición espaciadas.


  • Cohn, Marvin. Helping Your Teen-age Student: What Parents Can Do to Improve Reading and Study Skills. Dutton. ISBN 978-05-2593-065-5. 

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • flash card — flash cards also flashcard N COUNT Flash cards are cards which are sometimes used in the teaching of reading or a foreign language. Each card has words or a picture on it …   English dictionary

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  • flash card — {n.} A card with numbers or words on it that is used in teaching, a class. * /The teacher used flash cards to drill the class in addition./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flash card — {n.} A card with numbers or words on it that is used in teaching, a class. * /The teacher used flash cards to drill the class in addition./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flash\ card — noun A card with numbers or words on it that is used in teaching, a class. The teacher used flash cards to drill the class in addition …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Flash memory — Computer memory types Volatile RAM DRAM (e.g., DDR SDRAM) SRAM In development T RAM Z RAM TTRAM Historical Delay line memory Selectron tube Williams tube Non volatile …   Wikipedia

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  • Flash in other media — Throughout his 60 year history, the Flash has appeared in numerous media.Early animated appearancesA version of the Flash guest starred in the animated series, The Adventures of Aquaman in 1967. Flash appeared off and on in the Super Friends… …   Wikipedia

  • flash card — noun a card with words or numbers or pictures that is flashed to a class by the teacher • Syn: ↑flashcard • Hypernyms: ↑poster, ↑posting, ↑placard, ↑notice, ↑bill, ↑card * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • flash — flashingly, adv. /flash/, n. 1. a brief, sudden burst of bright light: a flash of lightning. 2. a sudden, brief outburst or display of joy, wit, etc. 3. a very brief moment; instant: I ll be back in a flash. 4. Informal. flashlight (def. 1). 5.… …   Universalium

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