


Información personal
Origen Eugene, Oregón, EE.UU. Flag of the United States.svg
Información artística
Género(s) Hard rock
Heavy metal
Período de actividad 1993 - presente
Discográfica(s) Elemental Records
Sitio web www.floatermusic.com
Dave Amador
Robert Wynia
Peter Cornett

Floater es una banda americana de hard rock y heavy metal formada en Eugene, Oregón, Estados Unidos, y que actualmente tiene su base en Portland, Oregón. El grupo se caracteriza por sus cuidadamente preparados álbumes conceptuales y por su pequeña aunque leal base de fans.

La banda se formó en 1993 por el bajista y cantante Robert Wynia y el batería Peter Cornett, quienes reclutaron al guitarrista Dave Amador para grabar un demo de seis canciones. El sello Elemental Records prontó se interesó por los servicios de la banda, compañía en la que han editado hasta la fecha todos los discos de la banda, nueve en total, de los cuales siete son discos de estudio y dos son discos en directo. Además de su carrera con Floater, Wynia y Amador fundaron su propio proyecto, llamado Drumattica, mientras que Cornett fundó Riverboat.

El tema Godgun del álbum debut de la banda, Sink, apareció en el recopilatorio de post-grunge titulado Northwest Post-grunge, en 1994.


  • Sink (1994)
  • Glyph (1995)
  • Angels in the Flesh and Devils in the Bone (1998)
  • The Great Release (Directo) (1999)
  • Burning Sosobra (2000)
  • Live at the Aladdin (2001)
  • Alter (2002)
  • Acoustics (2004)
  • Stone by Stone (2006)


  • Robert Wynia - Voz y bajo
  • Dave Amador - Guitarra
  • Peter Cornett - Batería

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Floater — Float er, n. 1. One who floats or swims. [1913 Webster] 2. A float for indicating the height of a liquid surface. [1913 Webster] 3. (Politics) (a) A voter who shifts from party to party, esp. one whose vote is purchasable. [U. S.] (b) A person,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • floater — float·er n 1 [from the notion that the policy “floats” with the goods it insures, wherever they might be located]: a policy or supplemental attachment to a policy insuring specific items of personal property (as jewelry or art); specif: a policy… …   Law dictionary

  • floater — dead body found in water, 1890, U.S. slang, agent noun from FLOAT (Cf. float) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • floater — [flōt′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that floats ☆ 2. a person who illegally casts a vote at each of several polling places ☆ 3. a person who changes his or her place of residence or work at frequent intervals; drifter; esp., a transient laborer 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • Floater — Als Floater (floating rate note, FRN) bezeichnet man eine Anleihe mit variabler Verzinsung, die an einen Referenzzinssatz wie zum Beispiel alle 3/6 Monate an den Libor oder Euribor gekoppelt wird. In manchen Fällen wird zusätzlich ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Floater — For other uses, see Floater (disambiguation). Floater Classification and external resources Simulated image of floaters against a blue sky ICD 10 H …   Wikipedia

  • Floater — Floating rate bond. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * floater float‧er [ˈfləʊtə ǁ ˈfloʊtər] noun [countable] 1. FINANCE a bond with a variable interest rate: • The issue was split into three fixed rate tranches and one floater …   Financial and business terms

  • floater — An informal name for a security with a variable coupon rate. Particularly used to refer to floating rate CMO tranches. American Banker Glossary A bond whose interest rate varies with the interest rate of another debt instrument, e.g., a bond that …   Financial and business terms

  • floater — 1) A partially finished and unclaimed bottle or can of beer. Whose floater is this? 2) When you and your friends have an inside joke and an outsider doesn t get the meaning then she is subjected to a floater. The meaning is from something that… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • floater — 1) A partially finished and unclaimed bottle or can of beer. Whose floater is this? 2) When you and your friends have an inside joke and an outsider doesn t get the meaning then she is subjected to a floater. The meaning is from something that… …   Dictionary of american slang

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