


País Bandera de Francia Francia
• Región Picardía
• Departamento Somme
• Distrito distrito de Amiens
• Cantón Cantón de Molliens-Dreuil
• Mancomunidad Communauté de communes du Sud-Ouest Amiénois
Ubicación 49°5132N 2°0553E / 49.8588888889, 2.0980555555649°5132N 2°0553E / 49.8588888889, 2.09805555556
• Altitud 127 m msnm
(mín.: 68 m, máx.: 131 m)
Superficie 6,38 km²
Población 332 hab. (1999)
• Densidad 52,04 hab./km²
Código postal 80540
Alcalde Mme Catherine Lamory
Código INSEE 80319
Ubicación de Fluy en Francia

Fluy es una comuna y población de Francia, en la región de Picardía, departamento de Somme, en el distrito de Amiens y cantón de Molliens-Dreuil.

Su población en el censo de 1999 era de 332 habitantes.

Está integrada en la Communauté de communes du Sud-Ouest Amiénois .


Eglise Sainte Marie-Madeleine

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Obtenido de "Fluy"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • fluy — obs. var. of fluey a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fluy — French commune|name= Fluy x = 137 y = 38 region=Picardie departement=Somme arrondissement=Amiens canton=Molliens Dreuil insee=80319 cp=80540 maire= Catherine Lamory mandat=2001 2008 intercomm=Communauté de communes du Sud Ouest Amiénois alt… …   Wikipedia

  • Fluy — 49° 51′ 32″ N 2° 05′ 53″ E / 49.8589, 2.0981 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • flier — /fluy euhr/, n. 1. something that flies, as a bird or insect. 2. an aviator or pilot. 3. an airplane passenger, esp. one who travels regularly by air. 4. a person or thing that moves with great speed. 5. some part of a machine having a rapid… …   Universalium

  • fliting — /fluy ting/, n. 1. contention. 2. a literary war of words, in versified dialogue. [1150 1200; ME; see FLITE, ING1] * * * …   Universalium

  • flyaway — /fluy euh way /, adj. 1. fluttering or streaming in the wind; windblown: flyaway hair. 2. flighty; frivolous; giddy. 3. ready for flight: flyaway aircraft. [1765 75; adj. use of v. phrase fly away] * * * …   Universalium

  • flyback — /fluy bak /, n. Electronics. the return to its starting point of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube, as after the completion of a line in a television picture or of a trace in an oscilloscope. [1930 35; n. use of v. phrase fly back] * * * …   Universalium

  • flybelt — /fluy belt /, n. an area having a large number of tsetse flies. [1890 95; FLY2 + BELT] * * * …   Universalium

  • flyblow — /fluy bloh /, v., flyblew, flyblown, flyblowing, n. v.t. 1. to deposit eggs or larvae on (meat or other food). n. 2. one of the eggs or young larvae of a blowfly, deposited on meat or other food. [1550 60; FLY2 + BLOW2] * * * …   Universalium

  • flyblown — /fluy blohn /, adj. 1. covered with flyblows: flyblown meat. 2. tainted or contaminated; spoiled. [1565 75; FLY2 + BLOWN1] * * * …   Universalium

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