


Foxhall es un barrio de Washington DC, que limita con la Reservoir Road al norte y con la Foxhall Road al oeste y al sur. La frontera al este es con el Parque Glover-Archibold. Las primeras casas se construyeron a lo largo de la Reservoir Road y la Greenwich Park Way a mediados de los años 20. A finales de diciembre de 1927, se construyeron unas 150 casas y se le dio a la comunidad el nombre de Foxhall Village.

Foxhall es un área principalmente residencial y es uno de los barrios más caros de la ciudad. En este barrio han vivido algunos de los personajes más importantes de la élite washingtoninana como Duncan Phillips, propietario de la Colección Phillips.

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  • Foxhall — may refer to:* Foxhall, Washington, DC * Foxhall, Suffolk * Peter Foxhall …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall — Recorded in several spellings including Foxhall, Foxall and Foxehole, this unusual surname is English and apparently locational. However there is no such place in England as Fox Hall, although there are several such sites in Ireland, none of… …   Surnames reference

  • Foxhall P. Keene — Foxhall Parker Keene (December 18, 1867 September 25, 1941) was an American Thoroughbred race horse owner and breeder, a World and Olympic Gold Medallist in polo who was rated the best all around polo player in the United States for eight… …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall, Washington, D.C. — Foxhall is a neighborhood in Washington, D.C., bordered by Reservoir Road on the north side and Foxhall Road on the west and south sides. Glover Archibold Park makes up the eastern border.The first homes were constructed along Reservoir Road and… …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall A. Parker, Jr. — Foxhall Alexander Parker (5 August 1821 ndash; 10 June 1879) was an officer in the United States Navy during the American Civil War.Born in New York, the brother of William Harwar Parker and Dangerfield Parker, Parker was appointed a midshipman… …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall A. Parker, Sr. — Foxhall Alexander Parker, Sr. (1788 ndash; 23 November 1857) was an officer in the United States Navy.Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, Parker joined the Navy early. In 1821, he served in Constitution , and assumed command of her in 1842. In …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall Stadium — is a Stock car racing stadium located in Foxhall near Ipswich. The Stadium is also used for Speedway and is home to the Ipswich Witches Speedway team, and also used for carboot sales. The Stadium is run by… …   Wikipedia

  • Foxhall Parker Keene — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Keene. Foxhall Parker Keene Illustration manquante : importez la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Peter Foxhall — Peter Christopher Foxhall (born February 7, 1941) is an Australian clergyman, evangelist and author, who was born in St Neots, Huntingdonshire (now in Cambridgeshire), England. Childhood The illegitimate son of Raymond Graham Foxhall, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Avalon at Foxhall — Infobox skyscraper building name=Avalon at Foxhall location=4100 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, D.C., United States built=1982 use=Office roof=convert|54|m floor count=14 floor area= architect= management= Avalon at Foxhall is a high rise… …   Wikipedia

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