
Gentleman en 2005.

Tilmann Otto (19 de abril de 1975 en Osnabrück, Alemania), mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Gentleman, es un Músico del Reggae.


El Hombre

Gentleman reside en Colonia, pero algunas veces describe a Jamaica como su hogar fuera de casa. El es el hijo de un pastor luterano. Tiene dos hijos, Samuel y Tamica, y su pareja actual se llama Tamika, una Corista de la Banda El Lejano Este (The Far East Band), la cual ha estado apoyándolo desde su primera gira de conciertos en Alemania en 2002.


  • Trodin on (1999)
  • Journey to Jah (2002)
  • Confidence (2006)
  • Diferent places (2007)
  • Another intensity (2007)
  • Diversity (2010)


  • Freundeskreis "Tabula rasa" (con Mellowbag) (1998)
  • Freundeskreis "Tabula rasa Pt II (con FK Allstars)" (1999, Esperanto)
  • Freundeskreis "You can´t run away (con Udo Lindenberg)" (1999)
  • UB40 "Rudie (con Don Abi)" (2003)
  • Curse "Widerstand" (Innere Sicherheit, 2003)
  • Prezident Brown "Priority jam" (Next generation, 2003)
  • Afu-Ra "Why cry" (State of the arts, 2005)
  • Mustafa Sandal "Isyankar" (Isyankar, 2005)
  • Brothers Keepers "Will we ever know" (Am I My Brother's Keeper?, 2005)
  • Nosliw "Liebe" (Mehr davon, 2007)
  • Azad Zeit zu verstehen (This Can't Be Everything) (Blockschrift, 2007)
  • Queen Omega "Revolution" (Revolution, 2008)
  • Ziggi "A better way" (In transit, 2008)
  • Stefanie Heinzmann "Roots to grow" (Roots to grow, 2009)
  • Soldiers of Jah Army "I tried (con Tamika)" (Born in Babylon, 2009)
  • Jahcoustix "Crossroads" (Crossroads, 2010)


Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Gentleman — Gentleman …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • gentleman — [ ʒɑ̃tləman; dʒɛntləman ] n. m. • 1698; gentilleman 1558; angl. gentleman, d apr. gentilhomme 1 ♦ Homme distingué, d une parfaite éducation. ⇒ gentilhomme (2o). Se comporter en gentleman. Arsène Lupin, le gentleman cambrioleur. Des gentlemans ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gentleman — Sm Mann von Lebensart und Charakter erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. gentleman, einer Lehnübersetzung zu frz. gentilhomme, beides ursprünglich Edelmann . ne. gentle geht über frz. gentil zurück auf l. gentīlis… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Gentleman — Gen tle*man, n.; pl. {Gentlemen}. [OE. gentilman nobleman; gentil noble + man man; cf. F. gentilhomme.] [1913 Webster] 1. A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman. [1913 Webster] 2. One of gentle or refined… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gentleman — GENTLEMAN, gentlemeni, s.m. Bărbat cu comportări alese, ireproşabile, cu caracter distins. [pr.: géntlmen] – cuv. engl. Trimis de gall, 03.05.2008. Sursa: DEX 98  GENTLEM//AN [pr.: géntlmen] gentlemanani m. Persoană care respectă cu stricteţe… …   Dicționar Român

  • gentleman — patrician, aristocrat are comparable when they denote a person of good or noble birth. Gentleman basically implies descent from good family, the right to bear a coat of arms, and social rank just below that of the noble and above that of the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • gentleman — (n.) well born man, early 13c., from GENTLE (Cf. gentle) + MAN (Cf. man). The Gentleman is always truthful and sincere; will not agree for the sake of complaisance or out of weakness ; will not pass over that of which he disapproves. He has a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gentleman — The word gentleman, formerly a term indicating social class, has largely fallen out of use in this meaning with the gradual erosion of class distinctions. It survives as a form of address (usually as ladies and gentlemen), in the phrase gentleman …   Modern English usage

  • gentleman — [jent′ l mən] n. pl. gentlemen [jent′ lmən] [ME gentilman (after OFr gentilz hom): see GENTLE & MAN] 1. a) Obs. a man born into a family of high social standing b) any man of independent means who does not work for a living …   English World dictionary

  • Gentleman — (engl., spr. dschéntl män, entsprechend im gewissen Sinn den französischen Ausdrücken »gentilhomme« und »galant homme«, mehr noch dem italienischen gentiluomo) ist zunächst in England eine Standesbezeichnung. Früher bezeichnete man mit G. den… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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