GeoRSS es un conjunto de estándares para representar información geográfica mediante el uso de capas y está construido dentro de la familia de estándares RSS.[1]

En las GeoRSS, el contenido consiste en puntos de interés georreferenciados y otras anotaciones y las fuentes se diseñan para generar mapas.

GeoRSS puede utilizarse como RSS 1.0, 2.0 y Atom, el último estándar IETF.



Aquí es un ejemplo GeoRSS Simple usando Atom.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <feed xmlns="" 
   <subtitle>International earthquake observation labs</subtitle>
   <link href=""/>
      <name>Dr. Thaddeus Remor</name>
      <title>M 3.2, Mona Passage</title>
      <link href=""/>
      <summary>We just had a big one.</summary>
      <georss:point>45.256 -71.92</georss:point>

Aquí es un fragmento de un esquema para un GML GeoRSS codificación para RSS 2.0

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <rss version="2.0" 
    <title>Cambridge Neighborhoods</title>
    <description>One guy's view of Cambridge, MA</description>
      <guid isPermaLink="false">00000111c36421c1321d3</guid>
      <pubDate>Thu, 05 Apr 2007 20:16:31 +0000</pubDate>
      <title>Central Square</title>
      <description>The heart and soul of the "old" Cambridge. Depending on where you 
               stand, you can feel like you're in the 1970s or 2020.</description>
              -71.106216 42.366661
              -71.105576 42.367104
              -71.104378 42.367134
              -71.103729 42.366249
              -71.098793 42.363331
              -71.101028 42.362541
              -71.106865 42.366123
              -71.106216 42.366661
      <guid isPermaLink="false">00000111c365564928974</guid>
      <pubDate>Thu, 05 Apr 2007 20:17:50 +0000</pubDate>
      <description>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</description>
      <Snip and end fragment>

Aquí es ejemplo de W3C geo GeoRSS

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <?xml-stylesheet href="/eqcenter/catalogs/rssxsl.php?feed=eqs7day-M5.xml" type="text/xsl" 
 <rss version="2.0" 
     <title>USGS M5+ Earthquakes</title>
     <description>Real-time, worldwide earthquake list for the past 7 days</description>
     <dc:publisher>U.S. Geological Survey</dc:publisher>
     <pubDate>Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:56:15 PST</pubDate>
       <pubDate>Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:24:17 GMT</pubDate>
         <title>M 5.3, northern Sumatra, Indonesia</title>
         <description>December 28, 2007 05:24:17 GMT</description>

Este es un pequeño ejemplo de fichero GeoRSS adaptado desde el Yahoo! Maps Web Services.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:geo=""
    <title>Sample GeoRSS feed</title>
    <description>Sample GeoRSS feed</description>
      <title>Yahoo! Sunnyvale</title>
      <description>Sunnyvale Campus</description>

Ejemplos o GeoRSS implementaciones

Ejemplo feeds

Uso y aplicación

Proyectos de código abierto

  • OpenLayers Demo using the OpenLayers GeoRSS parser. GeoRSS geo and simple are supported.
  • Worldkit Both GeoRSS Simple and GeoRSS GML are supported.
  • GeoServer
  • The OGR Library provides support for read and write access to GeoRSS data.


  • Cadcorp GeoRSS built into Cadcorp SIS.
  • CubeWerx WFS The new release of the CubeWerx OGC Web Feature Service product supports GeoRSS GML.
  • Ionic/Leica Geosystems The use of GeoRSS in Ionic redSpider products
  • Bay of Islands Contains GeoRSS information about local accommodation

Fun Sites Based en GeoRSS


    1. RSS es un formato XML utilizado para describir canales de contenido como artículos de noticias, listas de mp3 y entradas de blogs. La alimentación RSS es renderizada por programas como agregadores o navegadores web.

Véase también

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Mira otros diccionarios:

  • GeoRSS — is an emerging standard for encoding location as part of an RSS feed. (RSS is an XML format used to describe feeds ( channels ) of content, such as news articles, MP3 play lists, and blog entries. These RSS feeds are rendered by programs such as… …   Wikipedia

  • GeoRSS — est un nouveau standard destiné à inclure les coordonnées géographiques dans un flux RSS. (RSS est un format XML utilisé pour décrire les flux ( channels ) de contenu, tels que des articles, des listes de fichiers MP3, de billets de blog,... Dans …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GeoRSS — Расширение .rss, .xml MIME application/rss+xml (в процессе подготовки к регистрации)[1] Расширен из XML GeoRSS  развивающийся стандарт для встраивания информации о местоположении в новостные ленты. Название стандарта происходит от… …   Википедия

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  • Comparison of geographic information systems software — This is a comparison of notable GIS software. To be included on this list, the software must either have a linked existing article or include references to independent sources verifying notability. Contents 1 License, source, operating system… …   Wikipedia

  • Geography Markup Language — A vector map, with points, polylines and polygons. Filename extension .gml or .xml Internet media type application/gml+xml[1 …   Wikipedia

  • Yahoo! Maps — Infobox Website name = Yahoo! Maps caption = url = commercial =No type =Web mapping registration =No owner = Yahoo! author =Yahoo! developer =Yahoo! language = Multilingual operating system = Cross platform launch date =… …   Wikipedia

  • EventRSS — is a Web syndication format for creating social event feed.It is created basing on RSS and GeoRSS specifications.During the research on information management for social events, Fei Wang came up with the first version of EventRSS specification in …   Wikipedia

  • Yahoo! Maps — URL: Тип сайта: картографический сервис Регистрация: Необязательная …   Википедия

  • NEXRAD — Radar at the WSR 88D Radar Operations Center NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high resolution Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service, an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric… …   Wikipedia

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