


Single por Spice Girls
del álbum Forever
Lanzado Flag of the United Kingdom.svg 14 de diciembre, 1998
Flag of the United States.svg 8 de diciembre, 1998
Formato CD Single
Grabación 1998
Género Pop, Balada
Duración 04:20
Discográfica Virgin
Escritor(es) Richard Stannard
Matt Rowe]
Spice Girls
Productor(es) Richard Stannard
Matt Rowe
Certificación Platino (BPI)
Cronología Singles de
Spice Girls
"Viva Forever"

"Goodbye" (Adiós) es el primer single editado por el grupo británico Spice Girls tras la marcha de Geri Halliwell del grupo. Fue editado en 1998 en todo el mundo y sería incluido más adelante en el disco Forever, publicado a finales del año 2000. La edición EP para Estados Unidos incluía el tema Christmas Wrapping y las versiones en directo de Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves y We Are Family, del concierto en el Wembley Stadium que dio el grupo en septiembre.

Existen difrentes versiones de Goodbye. En el videoclip las Spice Girls, sin Geri, corren por un bosque hacia un castillo, mientras aparecen varios lobos blancos corriendo por el bosque. Cuando entran observan que todo en el interior del castillo se hiela. El vídeo finaliza cuando las personas que habitan en su interior rompen el hielo y vuelven a la vida.


Distintas versiones para distintos formatos

  • UK CD1
  1. "Goodbye [Radio Edit] - 4:20
  2. "Christmas Wrapping - 4:14
  3. "Goodbye [Versión Orquestal] - 4:14
  • UK CD2
  1. "Goodbye [Single Version] - 4:44
  2. "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves [Live] - 4:22
  3. "We Are Family [Live] - 3:35

  • USA/Canada CD
  1. "Goodbye [Single Version] - 4:44
  2. "Christmas Wrapping - 4:14
  3. "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves [Live] - 4:35
  4. "We Are Family [Live] - 3:22


  1. "Goodbye [Single Edit] - 4:20
  2. "Goodbye [Single Version] (Corea del Sur) - 4:44
  3. "Christmas Wrapping - 4:14
  4. "Sisters Are Doing It For Themseleves [Live] - 4:35
  5. "We Are Family [Live] - 3:22
  6. "Goodbye [Versión Orquestal] - 4:14
  7. "Goodbye Videoclip - 4:35

Lista de ventas

El single fue número #1 en Reino Unido, Canadá, e Irlanda entre otros y se vendieron unos 3.500.000 millones copias, 800.000 en Reino Unido.

Chart Position
UK Singles Chart 1 (1)
Canada Singles Chart 1 (16)
Italia Singles Chart 1
Filipinas Singles Chart 1
U.S. Billboard Hot 100 11
Irlanda Singles Chart 1 (9)
Francia Singles Chart 21
Holanda Singles Chart 4
Alemania Singles Chart 17
Austria Singles Chart 13
Suiza Singles Chart 8
Suecia Singles Chart 2
Noruega Singles Chart 6
Finlandia Singles Chart 2
Australia Singles Chart 3
Nueva Zelanda Singles Chart 1
España Singles Chart 8
Obtenido de "Goodbye"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Goodbye — Goodbye, from Late Middle English Godbwye/, from the Middle English phrase God be with ye, meaning God Be With You, is a traditional parting phrase in the English language. [cite web |url=… …   Wikipedia

  • Goodbye — Studioalbum von Cream Veröffentlichung März 1969 Aufnahme Oktober 1968 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • goodbye — or e [good΄bī′] interj., n. pl. goodbyes 〚contr. of God be with ye〛 farewell: the interj. is used at parting: also sp. goodby or good by * * * good·bye or …   Universalium

  • goodbye — (US also goodby) ► EXCLAMATION ▪ used to express good wishes when parting or ending a conversation. ► NOUN (pl. goodbyes; US also goodbys) ▪ an instance of saying ‘goodbye’; a parting. ORIGIN contraction of God be with you! …   English terms dictionary

  • goodbye — is spelt as one word and (as a noun) has the plural form goodbyes. The AmE variant good by has the plural form good bys …   Modern English usage

  • goodbye — [n] farewell statement adieu, adios, bye bye, cheerio, ciao, godspeed*, leave taking, parting, so long*, swan song*, toodle oo*; concepts 195,278 Ant. hello …   New thesaurus

  • goodbye — or e [good΄bī′] interj., n. pl. goodbyes [contr. of God be with ye] farewell: the interj. is used at parting: also sp. goodby or good by …   English World dictionary

  • goodbye */ — I UK [ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ] / US [ɡʊdˈbaɪ] interjection Ways of saying goodbye: Bye → the most common way of saying goodbye to a friend or someone you know well Cheerio/Cheers → an informal way of saying goodbye See you (later)/Catch you later → an informal… …   English dictionary

  • goodbye — [[t]g ʊdba͟ɪ[/t]] goodbyes also good bye 1) CONVENTION (formulae) You say Goodbye to someone when you or they are leaving, or at the end of a telephone conversation. 2) N COUNT: usu supp N When you say your goodbyes, you say something such as… …   English dictionary

  • goodbye — good|bye1 [ gud baı ] interjection * used when you are leaving someone or when someone is leaving you, or when you are finishing a telephone call. Bye is a more informal word and is a more common way of saying goodbye to a friend or to someone… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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