

Gums es un álbum lanzado por la banda islandesa Bless. Este álbum tiene 14 canciones y salió al mercado islandés en octubre de 1990 a través de Smekkleysa (más tarde Bad Taste). Gums contó con la participación de la solista Björk quien acompaño como vocalista de fondo de dos canciones: "Worlds Collapse" y "Yonder".

Lista de canciones

  1. Worlds Collapse (2:43)
  2. Mourn for Me (1:50)
  3. Wontbother (2:17)
  4. The Shovel of Love (1:47)
  5. You Are My Radiator (3:27)
  6. Night of Cheese (3:11)
  7. Yonder (3:12)
  8. Snail (1:00)
  9. Blanket (1:56)
  10. Spidergod (2:55)
  11. Dust (1:41)
  12. The Killfuckman (1:26)
  13. Darling Dangling (3:10)
  14. Total Silence (5:25)

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Gums — es un álbum lanzado por la banda islandesa Bless. Este álbum tiene 14 canciones y salió al mercado islandés en octubre de 1990 a través de Smekkleysa (más tarde Bad Taste). Gums contó con la participación de la solista Björk quien acompaño como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • gums — n. dietary fibers that include galactose and other simple sugars and are found between plant cell walls gÊŒm n. resin; rubber; chewing gum; sticky substance used as a glue; fleshy tissue which covers the bones of the jaw and the lower portions of …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • gums — The tissue of the upper and lower jaws that surrounds the base of the teeth. Also called gingiva …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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  • Receding gums — ( gingival recession ) refers to a loss of gum tissue resulting in an exposure in the roots of the teeth. Gum recession is a common problem in adults over the age of 40, but may also occur starting from the teens.Causes* Overaggressive brushing… …   Wikipedia

  • Salmon Gums, Western Australia — Infobox Australian Place type = town name = Salmon Gums state = wa caption = Salmon Gums railway siding in 1928 lga = Shire of Esperance postcode = 6445 est = 1925 pop = 727 (2006 Census) [cite web|url=… …   Wikipedia

  • beat one's gums — {v. phr.}, {slang} To engage in idle talk, or meaningless chatter; generally to talk too much. * / Stop beating your gums, Jack, Joe cried. I am falling asleep. / Compare: CHEW THE FAT or CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE or BAT THE BREEZE or FAN… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • beat one's gums — {v. phr.}, {slang} To engage in idle talk, or meaningless chatter; generally to talk too much. * / Stop beating your gums, Jack, Joe cried. I am falling asleep. / Compare: CHEW THE FAT or CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE or BAT THE BREEZE or FAN… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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