HMS Royal Sovereign

HMS Royal Sovereign

Varios buques de la Royal Navy británica, han recibido el nombre HMS Royal Sovereign:


  1. Crown (2006). «"Sovereign of the Seas 1638" (history),». Consultado el 22 de octubre de 2008.
  2. Crown (2006). «"Sovereign of the Seas 1891" (history),». Consultado el 22 de octubre de 2008.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMS Royal Sovereign — (HMS) Royal Sovereign ist der Name von bis heute fünf Kriegsschiffen der britischen Royal Navy: Royal Sovereign (1701) war ein Linienschiff mit 100 Kanonen, das 1701 vom Stapel lief. Nach einer Grundreparatur, die einem Neubau gleichkam, wurde… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (05) — HMS Royal Sovereign (pennant number 05), launched in May 1915, was a Revenge class (also known as Royal Sovereign and R class) battleship of the Royal Navy displacing 27,500 tons and armed with eight 381 mm (15 in) guns in four twin turrents. She …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign — Семь кораблей Королевского флота носили название HMS Royal Sovereign, еще один был запланирован, но переименован до спуска на воду: HMS Sovereign of the Seas (1637)  102 пушечный линейный корабль 1 ранга, спущен в 1637 году. Перестроен… …   Википедия

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (05) — Die Royal Sovereign als sowjetische Archangelsk Dienstzeit …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign — Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal Sovereign :* HMS Sovereign of the Seas , the great prestige ship of King Charles I, was launched in 1637 as a 102 gun first rate ship of the line. She was later renamed Royal Sovereign and …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (05) — Para otros buques del mismo nombre, véase HMS Royal Sovereign. HMS Royal Sovereign El Archangelsk en 1944, nombre del Royal Sovereign en la Armada Rusa …   Wikipedia Español

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (1891) — HMS Royal Sovereign was a Royal Sovereign class battleship of the Royal Navy, the name ship of the class and the largest warship in the world at the time of her construction.Technical Characteristics Royal Sovereign was laid down on 30 September… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (1786) — HMS Royal Sovereign was a 100 gun first rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, which served as the flagship of Admiral Collingwood at the Battle of Trafalgar. She was the third of seven Royal Navy ships to bear the name. Designed by Sir Edward… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (1857) — HMS Royal Sovereign was originally laid down as a 120 gun first rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy. With the rise of steam and screw propulsion, she was ordered to be converted on the stocks to a 131 gun screw ship, with conversion beginning …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (1701) — HMS Royal Sovereign was a 100 gun first rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, built at Woolwich Dockyard and launched in July 1701. She had been built using some of the salvageable timbers from the previous HMS|Royal Sovereign|1685|2, which… …   Wikipedia

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