Helen Suzman

Helen Suzman
Helen Suzman
Nombre Helen Gavronsky
Nacimiento 7 de noviembre de 1917
Bandera de Sudáfrica Germinston, Gauteng, Sudáfrica
Fallecimiento 1 de enero de 2009 (91 años)
Bandera de Sudáfrica Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica
Ocupación Activista, profesora, política
Cónyuge Moses Suzman

Helen Gavronsky, más conocida como Helen Suzman, (Germinston, Gauteng, 7 de noviembre de 1917 - Johannesburgo, 1 de enero de 2009[1] ) fue una activista sudafricana, hija de inmigrantes judíos lituanos. Política y activista contra el apartheid, estudió economía en la Universidad Witwatersrand.

Se casó con el Dr. Moses Suzman cuando tenía 20 años, y tuvo dos hijas antes de volver a la universidad como profesora en 1944. Dejó la enseñanza por la política, siendo elegida al Parlamento en 1953.

Fue parlamentaria del Partido Progresista Sudafricano, después renombrado como Partido Progresista Federal. Estuvo en el parlamento durante 35 años.


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  • Helen Suzman — (geborene Helen Gavronsky; * 7. November 1917 in Germiston, Südafrika; † 1. Januar 2009 in Johannesburg) war eine südafrikanische Politikerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Auszeichnungen 3 Weblinks …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Helen Suzman — Infobox Politician name = Helen Suzman width = height = caption = office = Member of Parliament term start = 1953 term end = 1989 constituency = majority = birth date = Birth date and age|1917|11|7 birth place = Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa… …   Wikipedia

  • Helen Suzman Foundation — The Helen Suzman Foundation is an independent, non partisan think tank in South Africa dedicated to promoting liberal democratic values and human rights in post apartheid South Africa through its research and publications. The foundation was… …   Wikipedia

  • SUZMAN (née Gavronsky), HELEN — (1917– ), South African politician and parliamentarian of liberal views. Born in Germiston, Transvaal, she lectured on economic history at the University of the Witwatersrand. She was first elected to Parliament as a member of the United Party,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Suzman — ist der Familienname von: Helen Suzman (1917–2009), südafrikanische Politikerin Janet Suzman (* 1939), südafrikanische Schauspielerin Siehe auch: Sussmann Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SUZMAN, JANET — (1939– ), actress. Born in Johannesburg, Suzman was educated at the University of Witwatersrand. She first appeared on stage in 1962 in Billy Liar, but her modulated voice and diction, elegance and authority led quickly to classical theater,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Suzman, Helen — orig. Helen Gavronsky born Nov. 7, 1917, Germiston, S.Af. South African legislator. Born in the Transvaal to Lithuanian immigrants, she graduated from the University of Witwatersrand, where she later taught economic history (1945–52). Elected to… …   Universalium

  • Suzman, Helen — (b. 1917)    South African politician. A university lecturer in economics, Helen Suzman was elected to parliament in 1953 as a member of the opposition United Party. She was one of twelve members of the liberal wing of the party that seceded on… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

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