

Kedgeree (ocasionalmente se denomina, o se escribe, también como kitcherie, kitchari o incluso como kitchiri) es un plato popular de la cocina inglesa. Se compone principalmente de pescado (la mayoría de las veces ahumado en la variedad de Schellfisch), arroz hervido, huevo y mantequilla. Ocasionalmente cortado en pedacitos o acompañado de salmón; hoy en día se sirve condimentado con curry, cúrcuma y coriandro y nata o yogur.


Se suele servir a veces como un plato de desayuno.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • kedgeree — ► NOUN 1) an Indian dish consisting chiefly of rice, split pulses, onions, and eggs. 2) a European dish consisting chiefly of smoked fish, rice, and hard boiled eggs. ORIGIN Sanskrit …   English terms dictionary

  • kedgeree — [kej′ər ē] n. [Hindi khichri < Sans khiccā, mixture] 1. an Indian dish of lentils, rice, and, sometimes, fish 2. a traditional British breakfast dish, a mixture of fish, rice, hard boiled eggs, etc …   English World dictionary

  • kedgeree — boiled rice, fish (usually smoked haddock), eggs, butter and herbs. A traditional British breakfast dish. The original kedgeree in India did not have fish mixed in, but as a side dish. Also spelled kitchery …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • kedgeree — [[t]ke̱ʤəriː[/t]] N UNCOUNT Kedgeree is a cooked dish consisting of rice, fish, and eggs …   English dictionary

  • kedgeree — noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu khicaṛī, ultimately from Sanskrit khiccā Date: 1662 1. an Indian dish of seasoned rice, beans, lentils, and sometimes smoked fish 2. cooked or smoked fish, rice, hard boiled eggs, and seasoning heated in cream …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • kedgeree — /kej euh ree /, n. 1. East Indian Cookery. a cooked dish consisting of rice, lentils, and spices. 2. a cooked dish of rice, fish, hard boiled eggs, butter, cream, and seasonings. [1655 65; < Hindi khicri, khicari] * * * …   Universalium

  • kedgeree — noun A dish of flaked, smoked haddock, eggs and rice …   Wiktionary

  • kedgeree — kedg|e|ree [ˈkedʒəri: US ˈkedʒəri:, ˌkedʒəˈri:] n [U] a cooked dish of fish, rice, and eggs mixed together …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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