Estrellas de Andrómeda

Estrellas de Andrómeda

Anexo:Estrellas de Andrómeda

Esta es la lista de estrellas notables de la constelación de Andrómeda, ordenadas por brillo decreciente.

Nombre B F HD HIP RA Dec Dist. (al) Cl. Espectral Notas
α And α 21 358 677 00h 08m 23.17s +29° 05′ 27.0 2.07 −0.30 97 B9p Alpheratz, Alpherat, Al'faret, Al'ferats, Sirrah, Sirah; binaria espectroscópica
β And β 43 6860 5447 01h 09m 43.80s +35° 37′ 15.0 2.07 −1.86 199 M0IIIvar Mirach, Merach, Mirac, Mirak, Mirakh, Merak, Mirar, Mirath, Mirax, El Mizar, Al Mizar; variable
γ1 And γ1 57 12533 9640 02h 03m 53.92s +42° 19′ 47.5 2.10 −3.08 355 B8V Almach, Almaak, Alamak, Almak, Almaach, Alamac; sistema estelar cuádruple
δ And δ 31 3627 3092 00h 39m 19.60s +30° 51′ 40.4 3.27 0.81 101 K3III... Sadiradra, Saderazra, Sadir Elazra; binaria espectroscópica; posiblemente es variable
51 And 51 9927 7607 01h 37m 59.50s +48° 37′ 42.6 3.59 −0.04 174 K3III υ Per; Anfal, El Enfal; estrela múltiple
ο And ο 1 217675 113726 23h 01m 55.25s +42° 19′ 33.5 3.62 −3.01 692 B6pv SB sistema estelar cuádruple; Variable γ Cas, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
λ And λ 16 222107 116584 23h 37m 33.71s +46° 27′ 33.0 3.81 1.75 84 G8III-IV Variable RS CVn, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
μ And μ 37 5448 4436 00h 56m 45.10s +38° 29′ 57.3 3.86 0.75 136 A5V estrella múltiple
ζ And ζ 34 4502 3693 00h 47m 20.39s +24° 16′ 02.6 4.08 0.35 181 K1II β Lyr/Variable RS CVn, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
υ And υ 50 9826 7513 01h 36m 47.98s +41° 24′ 23.0 4.10 3.45 44 F8V ten tres planetas (b, c, & d)
κ And κ 19 222439 116805 23h 40m 24.44s +44° 20′ 02.3 4.15 0.57 170 B9IVn estrella triple
φ And φ 42 6811 5434 01h 09m 30.12s +47° 14′ 30.6 4.26 −2.51 736 B7III Keun Nan Mun; estrella con línea de emisión
ι And ι 17 222173 116631 23h 38m 08.18s +43° 16′ 05.1 4.29 −1.65 502 B8V
π And π 29 3369 2912 00h 36m 52.84s +33° 43′ 09.7 4.34 −2.18 656 B5V binaria espectroscópica; posiblemente variable
ε And ε 30 3546 3031 00h 38m 33.50s +29° 18′ 44.5 4.34 0.77 169 G5III...
η And η 38 5516 4463 00h 57m 12.43s +23° 25′ 03.9 4.40 0.04 243 G8III-IV binaria espectroscópica
σ And σ 25 1404 1473 00h 18m 19.71s +36° 47′ 07.2 4.51 1.33 141 A2V posiblemente variable
ν And ν 35 4727 3881 00h 49m 48.83s +41° 04′ 44.2 4.53 −2.06 679 B5V SB binaria espectroscópica
7 And 7 219080 114570 23h 12m 32.92s +49° 24′ 21.5 4.53 2.58 80 F0V
θ And θ 24 1280 1366 00h 17m 05.54s +38° 40′ 54.0 4.61 0.16 253 A2V posiblemente variable
3 And 3 218031 113919 23h 04m 10.83s +50° 03′ 06.1 4.64 0.94 179 K0III
65 And 65 14872 11313 02h 25m 37.40s +50° 16′ 43.2 4.73 −0.39 345 K4III estrela triple
58 And 58 13041 9977 02h 08m 29.15s +37° 51′ 33.1 4.78 0.86 198 A5IV-V
8 And 8 219734 115022 23h 17m 44.62s +49° 00′ 55.0 4.82 −1.69 655 M2III posiblemente variable
ω And ω 48 8799 6813 01h 27m 39.09s +45° 24′ 25.0 4.83 2.57 92 F5IV
γ2 And γ2 57 12534 02h 03m 54.70s +42° 19′ 51.0 4.84 componente del sistema γ And; sistema estelar triple
60 And b 60 13520 10340 02h 13m 13.34s +44° 13′ 54.1 4.84 −1.32 556 K4III posiblemente variable
ξ And ξ 46 8207 6411 01h 22m 20.39s +45° 31′ 43.5 4.87 0.98 195 K0III-IV Adhil
τ And τ 53 10205 7818 01h 40m 34.80s +40° 34′ 37.6 4.96 −1.64 681 B8III posiblemente variable
10307 7918 01h 41m 46.52s +42° 36′ 49.7 4.96 4.45 41 G2V
ψ And ψ 20 223047 117221 23h 46m 02.04s +46° 25′ 13.0 4.97 −3.05 1309 G5Ib estrella múltiple
22 And 22 571 841 00h 10m 19.24s +46° 04′ 20.2 5.01 −2.44 1006 F2II
χ And χ 52 10072 7719 01h 39m 21.02s +44° 23′ 10.1 5.01 0.66 242 G8III... Keun Nan Mun
41 And 41 6658 5317 01h 08m 00.72s +43° 56′ 32.1 5.04 1.14 196 A3m
2 And 2 217782 113788 23h 02m 36.34s +42° 45′ 28.1 5.09 −0.06 349 A3Vn estrella múltiple
V428 And 3346 2900 00h 36m 46.47s +44° 29′ 18.6 5.14 −1.38 656 K5III variable semirregular Plantilla:VSA , posiblemente posee un sistema planetario
ρ And ρ 27 1671 1686 00h 21m 07.23s +37° 58′ 07.3 5.16 1.71 160 F5III
2421 2225 00h 28m 13.59s +44° 23′ 40.2 5.18 0.63 265 A2Vs binaria espectroscópica
64 And 64 14770 11220 02h 24m 24.89s +50° 00′ 23.9 5.19 −0.11 375 G8III
28 And 28 2628 2355 00h 30m 07.34s +29° 45′ 06.1 5.20 1.43 185 A7III GN And; variable δ Sct de baixa amplitude, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
14 And 14 221345 116076 23h 31m 17.20s +39° 14′ 11.0 5.22 0.80 249 K0III posiblemente variable; posee un planeta (b)
49 And A 49 9057 6999 01h 30m 06.10s +47° 00′ 26.6 5.27 0.53 290 K0III
32 And 32 3817 3231 00h 41m 07.20s +39° 27′ 31.2 5.30 0.18 344 G8III
4 And 4 218452 114200 23h 07m 39.28s +46° 23′ 14.3 5.30 0.20 342 K5III estrela doble
6 Per 6 13530 10366 02h 13m 36.02s +51° 03′ 58.4 5.31 1.38 199 G8III:var binaria espectroscópica; posiblemente variable
62 And c 62 14212 10819 02h 19m 16.85s +47° 22′ 48.0 5.31 0.84 255 A1V
18 And 18 222304 116709 23h 39m 08.35s +50° 28′ 18.3 5.35 −0.04 390 B9V
55 And 55 11428 8814 01h 53m 17.35s +40° 43′ 47.3 5.42 −0.67 540 K1III estrela doble
11 And 11 219945 115152 23h 19m 29.79s +48° 37′ 30.7 5.44 0.43 328 K0III
3421 2942 00h 37m 21.23s +35° 23′ 58.2 5.45 −2.03 1022 G5III
36 And 36 5286 4288 00h 54m 58.02s +23° 37′ 42.4 5.46 2.51 127 K1IV posiblemente variable
15 And 15 221756 116354 23h 34m 37.55s +40° 14′ 11.6 5.55 1.28 233 A1III V340 And; variable δ Sct de baja amplitud, Plantilla:VSA
63 And 63 14392 10944 02h 20m 58.17s +50° 09′ 05.5 5.57 0.38 356 B9p Si PZ And; Variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:VSA
47 And 47 8374 6514 01h 23m 40.56s +37° 42′ 54.0 5.60 1.54 211 A1m
10204 7825 01h 40m 39.56s +43° 17′ 51.9 5.63 1.05 268 A9IV:
44 And 44 6920 5493 01h 10m 18.85s +42° 04′ 53.7 5.67 2.06 172 F8V
5 And 5 218470 114210 23h 07m 45.25s +49° 17′ 43.6 5.68 3.02 111 F5V
5788 4675 01h 00m 03.55s +44° 42′ 47.9 5.69 0.14 420 A2Vn estrella binaria
56 And 56 11749 9021 01h 56m 09.23s +37° 15′ 06.5 5.69 0.73 320 G8III... estrella múltiple
23 And 23 905 1086 00h 13m 30.94s +41° 02′ 08.6 5.71 2.99 114 F0IV
16028 12072 02h 35m 38.74s +37° 18′ 44.2 5.72 −0.86 676 K4III estrella triple
13 And 13 220885 115755 23h 27m 07.33s +42° 54′ 43.1 5.75 0.97 294 B9III V388 And; Variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:Estrela Variable
12 And 12 220117 115280 23h 20m 53.17s +38° 10′ 56.9 5.77 2.63 138 F5V estrella triple
1632 1657 00h 20m 45.54s +32° 54′ 40.4 5.79 −0.69 646 K5III
45 And 45 7019 5550 01h 11m 10.29s +37° 43′ 26.9 5.80 −1.44 916 B7III-IV estrella doble
14622 11090 02h 22m 50.36s +41° 23′ 47.5 5.81 2.44 154 F0III-IV ten dúas compañeras ópticas
10 And 10 219981 115191 23h 19m 52.38s +42° 04′ 40.9 5.81 −0.30 542 M0III
222109 116582 23h 37m 32.03s +44° 25′ 44.5 5.81 −1.20 823 B8V estrella doble
224635 118281 23h 59m 29.33s +33° 43′ 26.9 5.81 3.50 95 F8 estrella múltiple
OU And 223460 117503 23h 49m 40.96s +36° 25′ 31.4 5.86 0.21 440 G1IIIe Variable FK Com, Plantilla:VSA
1439 1493 00h 18m 38.22s +31° 31′ 02.0 5.88 −0.23 543 A0IV
2767 2475 00h 31m 25.61s +33° 34′ 54.1 5.88 0.10 467 K1III... estrella binaria
1606 1630 00h 20m 24.39s +30° 56′ 08.2 5.89 −0.37 582 B7V posiblemente variable
11727 9001 01h 55m 54.47s +37° 16′ 40.1 5.89 −1.52 991 K5III componente óptica de 56 And
KK And 9531 7321 01h 34m 16.60s +37° 14′ 13.9 5.90 0.50 392 B8Vp(Si) Variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:VSA
16176 12181 02h 36m 57.08s +38° 44′ 02.3 5.91 2.24 177 F5V
6 And 6 218804 114430 23h 10m 27.36s +43° 32′ 41.1 5.91 3.65 92 F5IV
10975 8423 01h 48m 38.84s +37° 57′ 10.6 5.94 1.06 308 K0III
39 And 39 6116 4903 01h 02m 54.28s +41° 20′ 42.7 5.95 0.84 344 A5m binaria doble
8671 6711 01h 26m 18.60s +43° 27′ 28.4 5.98 2.90 135 F7V
9 And 9 219815 115065 23h 18m 23.33s +41° 46′ 25.3 5.98 0.17 472 A7m AN And; Variable β Lyr, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
5608 4552 00h 58m 14.19s +33° 57′ 03.8 5.99 2.17 190 K0
224165 117956 23h 55m 33.48s +47° 21′ 21.0 6.01 −2.46 1614 G8Ib
224342 118071 23h 57m 03.63s +42° 39′ 29.7 6.01 −2.22 1442 F8III
4335 3604 00h 46m 10.80s +44° 51′ 41.4 6.03 0.32 452 B9.5IIIMNp.
13594 10403 02h 14m 02.53s +47° 29′ 03.8 6.05 2.96 135 F5V
3883 3269 00h 41m 35.98s +24° 37′ 44.6 6.06 0.30 462 A7m posiblemente variable
166 544 00h 06m 36.53s +29° 01′ 19.0 6.07 5.39 45 K0V posiblemente variable
5118 4185 00h 53m 28.22s +37° 25′ 05.9 6.07 0.77 374 K3III:
221293 116030 23h 30m 39.54s +38° 39′ 44.0 6.07 −0.33 621 G9III
223229 117340 23h 47m 33.05s +46° 49′ 57.3 6.08 −1.96 1320 B3IV posiblemente variable
225239 394 00h 04m 53.21s +34° 39′ 34.4 6.09 3.26 120 G2V
59 And A 59 13294 10176 02h 10m 52.83s +39° 02′ 22.5 6.09 1.56 263 B9V estrella binaria
26 And 26 1438 1501 00h 18m 42.15s +43° 47′ 28.1 6.10 −0.53 692 B8V estrella doble
5526 4501 00h 57m 39.64s +45° 50′ 21.8 6.10 0.45 439 K2III
225218 365 00h 04m 36.60s +42° 05′ 33.2 6.11 −2.45 1680 B9III estrella doble
7647 5993 01h 17m 05.05s +44° 54′ 07.5 6.11 −0.18 590 K5
1185 1302 00h 16m 21.50s +43° 35′ 42.4 6.12 1.28 303 A2V estrella doble
218416 114162 23h 07m 10.05s +52° 48′ 59.6 6.12 0.55 423 K0III
GO And 4778 3919 00h 50m 18.21s +45° 00′ 08.1 6.13 1.34 296 A0p... Variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:VSA
7158 5650 01h 12m 34.06s +45° 20′ 14.9 6.13 −0.52 698 M1III
66 And 66 15138 11465 02h 27m 51.75s +50° 34′ 12.7 6.16 2.54 173 F4V binaria espectroscópica
14372 10924 02h 20m 41.50s +47° 18′ 39.0 6.17 −0.87 836 B5V
743 967 00h 11m 59.03s +48° 09′ 08.5 6.18 0.05 550 K4III
3411 2926 00h 37m 07.20s +24° 00′ 51.3 6.18 1.13 334 K2III
221776 116365 23h 34m 46.73s +38° 01′ 26.3 6.18 −0.41 678 K5 estrela dobre
16327 12287 02h 38m 17.86s +37° 43′ 36.6 6.19 1.60 270 F6III estrella triple
221246 115996 23h 30m 07.39s +49° 07′ 59.3 6.19 −0.91 856 K5III miembro del cúmulo estelar NGC 7686
OP And 9746 7493 01h 36m 27.21s +48° 43′ 22.2 6.20 0.65 420 K1III: Variable BY Dra, Plantilla:VSA
400 699 00h 08m 41.02s +36° 37′ 38.7 6.21 3.61 108 F8IV
14213 10814 02h 19m 10.84s +46° 28′ 20.2 6.21 0.50 452 A4V
952 1123 00h 14m 02.29s +33° 12′ 21.9 6.22 1.45 293 A1V
895 1076 00h 13m 23.93s +26° 59′ 15.4 6.24 0.78 403 G0III estrela tripla
222451 116824 23h 40m 40.47s +36° 43′ 14.6 6.24 3.01 144 F1V
224906 137 00h 01m 43.85s +42° 22′ 01.7 6.25 −1.80 1331 B9IIIp Mn
11613 8922 01h 54m 53.75s +40° 42′ 07.9 6.25 1.13 345 K2
220105 115261 23h 20m 44.11s +44° 06′ 58.5 6.25 1.73 261 A5Vn estrela dobre
221661 116292 23h 33m 42.99s +45° 03′ 29.1 6.25 0.12 548 G8II
2942 2583 00h 32m 49.09s +28° 16′ 48.8 6.26 0.47 469 G8II estrela dobre
8774 6776 01h 27m 06.21s +34° 22′ 39.3 6.27 3.12 139 F7IVsvar
2507 2270 00h 28m 56.67s +36° 53′ 58.9 6.28 0.51 464 G5III
8375 6512 01h 23m 37.31s +34° 14′ 44.2 6.28 2.43 192 G8IV
11624 8930 01h 54m 57.63s +37° 07′ 42.0 6.28 0.25 525 K0 miembro del cúmulo estelar NGC 752
7758 6087 01h 18m 10.14s +47° 25′ 11.0 6.29 −2.07 1531 K0
16350 12305 02h 38m 27.94s +38° 05′ 21.0 6.29 −0.47 734 B9.5V
219962 115171 23h 19m 41.37s +48° 22′ 51.1 6.29 0.47 475 K1III
217314 113501 22h 59m 10.37s +52° 39′ 16.0 6.31 −0.26 672 K2
10597 8127 01h 44m 26.53s +46° 08′ 23.2 6.32 0.23 540 K5III
219290 114714 23h 14m 14.34s +50° 37′ 04.5 6.32 0.82 411 A0V
10486 8044 01h 43m 16.39s +45° 19′ 21.5 6.33 2.61 181 K2IV
10874 8370 01h 47m 48.00s +46° 13′ 47.6 6.33 2.50 190 F6V
1075 1208 00h 15m 06.93s +31° 32′ 08.7 6.34 −1.70 1320 K5
HD 8673 8673 6702 01h 26m 08.62s +34° 34′ 47.7 6.34 3.43 125 F7V contiene un planeta no confirmado(b)
1083 1215 00h 15m 10.55s +27° 17′ 00.5 6.35 0.84 412 A1Vn estrella doble
1527 1575 00h 19m 41.58s +40° 43′ 46.2 6.35 0.25 541 K1III
221970 116505 23h 36m 30.52s +32° 54′ 15.1 6.35 1.92 251 F6V
CG And 224801 63 00h 00m 43.62s +45° 15′ 12.0 6.36 −0.23 678 B9p SiEu α2 Variable CVn, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
16004 12057 02h 35m 27.89s +39° 39′ 52.1 6.36 0.11 580 B9MNp... estrella triple
13818 10562 02h 15m 57.69s +47° 48′ 43.4 6.37 0.61 462 G9III-IV
LN And 217811 113802 23h 02m 45.15s +44° 03′ 31.6 6.37 −1.42 1177 B2V estrella doble; Variable β Cep de período corto, Plantilla:Estrela Variable
V385 And 220524 115530 23h 24m 08.88s +41° 36′ 46.3 6.37 −1.55 1249 M0 variable irregular, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
GY And 9996 7651 01h 38m 31.84s +45° 23′ 58.9 6.38 0.66 455 B9Vp (Cr-Eu) lineas de Promecio; variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
13013 9983 02h 08m 33.55s +44° 27′ 34.4 6.38 0.78 430 G8III
218365 114152 23h 07m 04.99s +35° 38′ 11.3 6.38 −0.08 638 K0
9712 7444 01h 35m 52.46s +41° 04′ 35.1 6.39 1.01 388 K1III
8801 6794 01h 27m 26.67s +41° 06′ 04.0 6.42 2.69 182 Am... Variable δ Scuti, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
217731 113750 23h 02m 11.32s +44° 34′ 22.4 6.43 1.22 359 K0
222641 116941 23h 42m 14.68s +44° 59′ 30.3 6.43 −0.48 786 K5III posiblemente variable
7853 6140 01h 18m 47.02s +37° 23′ 10.7 6.44 0.71 456 A5m estrella doble
14221 10830 02h 19m 22.77s +48° 57′ 19.0 6.44 2.39 210 F4V
219668 114981 23h 17m 16.59s +45° 09′ 51.5 6.44 2.10 241 K0IV
6114 4911 01h 03m 01.47s +47° 22′ 34.3 6.46 1.39 337 A9V estrella doble
11884 9163 01h 57m 59.23s +47° 05′ 43.9 6.48 −1.24 1140 K0
ET And 219749 115036 23h 17m 55.99s +45° 29′ 20.2 6.48 0.36 545 B9Vp(Si) Variable α2 CVn, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
222399 116781 23h 40m 02.82s +37° 39′ 10.2 6.49 1.74 291 F2IV estrella doble
800 1009 00h 12m 34.08s +44° 42′ 26.1 6.50 0.50 517 K0
59 And B 59 13295 10180 02h 10m 53.67s +39° 02′ 36.0 6.82 −1.76 1698 A1Vn componente del sistema 59 And
R And 1967 00h 24m 02.00s +38° 34′ 38.0 7.39 Variable Mira, Plantilla:Estrela Variable
Groombridge 34 1326 1475 00h 18m 22.9s +44° 01′ 22.0 8.01 11.62 M6Ve + M1Ve o 16º sistema estelar más próximo, binaria; ambas componentes GQ And e GX And son estrellas fulgurantes, Plantilla:Estrella Variable, Plantilla:Estrela Variable
Z And 221650 116287 23h 33m 39.95s +48° 49′ 05.9 10.53 1393 M2III + B1eq prototipo de variables Z And, Plantilla:Estrella Variable
GSC 03239-00992 23h 39m 05.81s +42° 27′ 57.5 10.54 4.03 650 F tiene un planeta en tránsito WASP-1b HAT-P-6b
WASP-1 00h 20m 40s +31° 59′ 24 11.79 1000 F7V tiene un planeta en tránsito (b)
Ross 248 23h 41m 54.7s +44° 10′ 30 12.29 10.32 M5.5v HH And; o sistema más próximo a Terra, estrella fulgurantes
S And 00h 42m 44s +41° 16′ 00 2.5 x 106 Ia SN 1885; supernova do tipo Ia na Galaxia de Andrómeda, Plantilla:Estrela Variable


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