London Street

London Street

London Street, serie de televisión emitida por Antena 3 en 2003, que hizo historia en la televisión en España al ser emitida sólo dos capítulos, debido a su baja aceptación entre la audiencia, y que ha vuelto a emitirse gracias al auge de la TDT en Antena.Neox.

La serie trata sobre las experiencias de un estudiante, interpretado por Fernando Ramallo, que viajaba a Londres para aprender inglés y desenvolverse en la vida. En la capital de Reino Unido conocía a un grupo de españoles instalados hace tiempo. Completaban el reparto Luis Merlo, Daniel Guzmán, Ana Álvarez, Paula Echevarría, Carlos Larrañaga, Manuel Manquiña, Kim Manning, Carlos Castel y Norma Duval.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • London Street —    South out of Fenchurch Street at No. 59 and west to 74 Mark Lane (P.O. Directory). The northern portion in Aldgate Ward, the southern in Tower Ward (O.S.).    Earliest mention: P.C. 1732.    Other name : New London Street (Horwood, 1799).… …   Dictionary of London

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  • New London Street —    North out of Hart Street, at No.10, to London Street (P.O. Directory). In Tower Ward.    First mention: Horwood, 1799. In Horwood the name is given to London Street as well.    Former names of courts occupying the site: Crosseley s Court (O.… …   Dictionary of London

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  • London Street — Serie de televisión que hizo historia en la televisión en España al ser emitida sólo dos capítulos, debido a su baja aceptación entre la audiencia. Esta serie, emitida por Antena 3, trataba sobre las experiencias de un estudiante, interpretado… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Southport London Street railway station — Southport London Street was a railway station in Southport, Merseyside. It opened on April 9, 1855, as the East Lancashire Railways terminus for the Manchester and Southport Railway, a line jointly operated by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway …   Wikipedia

  • London Court —    In London Street (Strype, ed. 1755 Boyle, 1799).    Not named in the maps …   Dictionary of London

  • London Wall, Street —    West from Old Broad Street to Cripplegate (P.O. Directory).    A street on the line of the old Wall of London (q.v.). In Broad Street Ward, Bassishaw Ward, Coleman Street Ward and Cripplegate Ward Within.    First mention of the street : In… …   Dictionary of London

  • London Bridge —    Extends across the River Thames from Adelaide Place and King William Street to High Street, Southwark. Architect, J. Rennie.    Erected 1824 31. Opened by King William IV. in 1831.    It is made of granite, with 5 elliptical arches (Gent. Mag …   Dictionary of London

  • London Streets — (known as Street Management until April 2007) is an arm of Transport for London (TfL), which is responsible for managing the main through routes in London, a total network of convert|580|km|0|lk=on of roads. These routes are also known as Red… …   Wikipedia

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