Malcolm A. Nobs

Malcolm A. Nobs

Malcolm A. Nobs ( * 1916 -) es un botánico estadounidense. Es un especialista en la familia de Asteraceae.

Desarrolló su carrera científica en el "Dto. de Biología" de la "Carnegie Institution de Washington", en Stanford, Cal.


Algunas publicaciones

  • Hiesey WH; MA Nobs. 1983. Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. VI. Interspecific Hybrid Derivatives between Facultatively Apomictic Species of Bluegrasses & their Responses to Contrasting Environments. Systematic Bot. 8 (1): 102-103
  • Hiesey WH; MA Nobs. 1982. Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. VI. Interspecific Hybrid Derivatives Between Facultatively Apomictic Species of Blue Grasses & Their Responses to Contrasting Environments. Carnegie Inst. Washington.
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs, SO Bjorkman. 1971. Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. V. Biosystematics, Genetics, & Physiological Ecology of the Erythrante Section of Mimulus. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 628
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1958. Poa investigations. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 57:272—78
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1957. Contrasting tolerance ranges of apomictic species & hybrids of Poa. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 56:293-95
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1956. Experimental taxonomy: Studies in Poa, plantings of Achillea & Mimulus. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 55:236-39
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1955. Experimental taxonomy: Poa investigations. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 54:170—175. Diploid, tetrapoloid & hexaploid hybrids of Achillea, Chromosome 182-183
  • Hiesey WH, DD Keck, JC Clausen, P Grun, A Nygren, MA Nobs. 1951. Climatic tolerances of Poa species & hybrids. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 50:105-8
  • Grun P, A Nygren, MA Nobs. 1951. Genetics & evolution of Poa. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb., 50:109-11
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1951. Genetics of climatic races & species in Achillea. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb.,50:115-17
  • Hiesey WH, P Grun, MA Nobs. 1952. Experimental taxonomy: Survey of the range grass program, new Poahybrids. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb., 51:107-17
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1953. Experimental taxonomy: The Poa program. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 52:169-73
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1953. Genetic studies on ecological races. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 52:174-76
  • Hiesey WH, MA Nobs. 1954. Experimental taxonomy: The Poa program. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearb. 53:150-56


  • Nobs, MA. 1963. Experimental studies on species relationships in Ceanothus. Ed. Carnegie Inst. Washington. Publ. 623. 94 pp.


La abreviatura Nobs se emplea para indicar a Malcolm A. Nobs como autoridad en la descripción y clasificación científica de los vegetales. (Ver listado de especies descritas por este autor en IPNI)


  • Brummitt, RK; CE Powell. 1992. Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-84246-085-4

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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