


Álbum de Rakim y Ken-Y
Publicación 14 de febrero de 2006
Género(s) Reggaeton
Discográfica Pina Records
Productor(es) Rafael Pina
Cronología de Rakim y Ken-Y


Masterpiece World Tour

Masterpiece es el álbum debut del dúo portorriqueño de reggaeton Rakim & Ken-Y. Los singles o sencillos de este álbum fueron: "Down", "Me Matas", "Dame Lo Qué Quiero", "Igual Que Ayer" y "Dime Que Sera" que la canta Cruzito. El álbum ha vendido casi 300 mil copias.


Lista de canciones

  1. Dame Lo Que Quiero
  2. Cruz y Maldición
  3. Down
  4. Igual Que Ayer
  5. Sueltate featuring Cruzito
  6. Dime (Solo Ken-Y)
  7. Me Matas
  8. Adiós
  9. Nos Fuimos (Solo Rakim)
  10. Tocarte Toa (Feat. Polaco, Nicky Jam, La India, & Carlitos Way)
  11. Si La Ves (ft. Don Omar)
  12. Sacarte De Mi Mente (Feat. Nicky Jam)
  13. De La Calle Soy (feat. Carlitos Way)
  14. Amigo
  15. Dime Que Será (Solo Cruzito)
  16. Way, Way (Solo Carlitos Way)
  17. La noche mas Triste (Solo Ken-Y Feat. Lito MC Cassidy) (Target Exclusive Bonus Track)(Rompecuellos)



Album Lista (2006) Posición
Masterpiece Billboard 200 #101
Masterpiece Top Heatseekers #1
Masterpiece Top Latin Albums #2


Año Título Álbum Posiciones en Lista
US Billboard Hot 100 US Hot Ringtones US Top Latin Songs
2006 "Down" Masterpiece 90 9 1
"Me Matas" - - 9
"Dame Lo Que Quiero" - - 50
Obtenido de "Masterpiece"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Masterpiece — Mas ter*piece , n. Anything done or made with extraordinary skill; a capital performance; a chef d [oe]uvre; a supreme achievement. [1913 Webster] The top and masterpiece of art. South. [1913 Webster] Dissimulation was his masterpiece. Claredon.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Masterpiece — «Masterpiece»  песня Мадонны. Первоначально была записана как саундтрек для фильма W.E. в 2012 году. Позже песня была включена в двенадцатый студийный альбом Мадонны под название MDNA. 3 апреля 2012 года песня была исполнена на радио в… …   Википедия

  • masterpiece — (n.) c.1600, from MASTER (Cf. master) (n.) + PIECE (Cf. piece) (n.). A loan translation of Du. meesterstuk work by which a craftsman attains the rank of master (or its German cognate Meisterstück) …   Etymology dictionary

  • masterpiece — [n] respected work of art chef d’oeuvre, classic, cream*, cream of the crop*, flower, gem*, jewel*, magnum opus, masterstroke, master work, model, monument, perfection, pièce de résistance*, prize, showpiece, standard, tour de force*, treasure;… …   New thesaurus

  • masterpiece — ► NOUN ▪ a work of outstanding skill. ORIGIN originally referring to a piece of work by a craftsman accepted as qualification for membership of a guild as an acknowledged master …   English terms dictionary

  • masterpiece — [mas′tər pēs΄] n. [calque of Ger meisterstück] 1. a thing made or done with masterly skill; great work of art or craftsmanship 2. the greatest work made or done by a person or group …   English World dictionary

  • Masterpiece — For other uses, see Masterpiece (disambiguation). Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci, c. 1503–1506 …   Wikipedia

  • masterpiece — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great ▪ It s one of the greatest masterpieces of Western art. ▪ acknowledged ▪ The piece ranks with such acknowledged masterpieces as the Mass in G. ▪ minor …   Collocations dictionary

  • masterpiece — [[t]mɑ͟ːstə(r)piːs, mæ̱s [/t]] masterpieces 1) N COUNT A masterpiece is an extremely good painting, novel, film, or other work of art. His book, I must add, is a masterpiece. ...masterpieces by artists like Rembrandt, Raphael and Ingres. 2) N… …   English dictionary

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