


Álbum de Fun People
Publicación 1995
Grabación  ?
Género(s) Hardcore Punk
Discográfica Ugly Records
Productor(es) Fun People
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Fun People


Kum kum

Es es el primer disco editado de la banda Argentina Fun People editado en 1995.

Lista de temas

  1. "Ánimo"
  2. "Estoy (a tu lado)"
  3. "Submerge your senses into the black"
  4. "Marionetas"
  5. "Runaway"
  6. "Hunt"
  7. "1978 (Camps days)"
  8. "Dear"
  9. "Anabelle"
  10. "FMI"
  11. "Boicot antinatural"
  12. "Mantiene tu espíritu con humor"
  13. "Bad influence"
  14. "Break your obsesions"
  15. "Vivisección"
  16. "Distinto"
  17. "Jailed"
  18. "Give you help"
  19. "Mi vida"
  20. "Lemon pie"
  21. "Eres ciego"
  22. "Shaggy mi querido amigo en peligro"
  23. "Searching my lucky again"
  24. "About me"
  25. "Helter skelter"
  26. "NY city clon"
  27. "Sin color"
  28. "Cada vez más"
  29. "When the sun"*
  30. "Valor interior"*
  31. "Rain"*
  • *Canciones disponibles en la reedición

Ficha técnica

Grabado en tec son por "Ricky" Villagra y Pedro.

Masterizado por The Great David Santos.

Arte de Tapa Jorge Gigante.

Armado en Halo/Spiccolli Desenhos e Cores.

Enlace externo

Obtenido de "Anesthesia"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • anesthesia — [an΄es thē′zhə, an΄is thē′zhē ə, an΄is thē′zē ə; an΄isthē′zē ə] n. [ModL < Gr anaisthēsia < an , without + aisthēsis, feeling < aisthanesthai: see AESTHETIC] 1. a partial or total loss of the sense of pain, temperature, touch, etc.,… …   English World dictionary

  • Anesthesia — An es*the si*a, n., Anesthetic An es*thet ic, a. Same as {An[ae]sthesia}, {An[ae]sthetic}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anesthesia — (n.) alternative spelling of ANAESTHESIA (Cf. anaesthesia) (q.v.). See AE (Cf. ae) …   Etymology dictionary

  • anesthesia — analgesia, anodynia (see under ANODYNE 1) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • anesthesia — / anaesthesia [n] induced sleep; induced absence of feeling analgesia, insentience, numbness, stupor, unconsciousness; concepts 313,315,728 …   New thesaurus

  • Anesthesia — Not to be confused with Paresthesia. For other uses, see Anesthesia (disambiguation). Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (see spelling differences; from Greek αν , an , without ; and αἴσθησις, aisthēsis, sensation ), traditionally meant the condition of… …   Wikipedia

  • anesthesia — noun loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness • Syn: ↑anaesthesia • Derivationally related forms: ↑anaesthetic (for: ↑anaesthesia), ↑anaesthetist (for: ↑ana …   Useful english dictionary

  • anesthesia — /an euhs thee zheuh/, n. 1. Med. general or local insensibility, as to pain and other sensation, induced by certain interventions or drugs to permit the performance of surgery or other painful procedures. 2. Pathol. general loss of the senses of… …   Universalium

  • anesthesia — n. 1) to induce, produce anesthesia 2) to undergo anesthesia 3) general; local anesthesia 4) the anesthesia wears off …   Combinatory dictionary

  • anesthesia — noun a) A method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain. b) The loss or prevention of pain, as caused by anesthesia. See Also: anesthetize, anesthetics, anesthesiology, anesthesiologist …   Wiktionary

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