Must B 21

Must B 21
Must B 21
Álbum de
Publicación 23 de Septiembre de 2003
Grabación 2003
Género(s) Hip Hop
Duración 48:37
Discográfica Interscope Records
Cronología de

Lost Change

Must B 21

Songs about girls

Must B 21 es el segundo álbum en solitario de publicado el 23 de Septiembre de 2003. La canción que aparece en este disco Go! se presentó en los juegos de la NBA de 2004 y en 2005 en Madden NFL. Al igual que su otro trabajo , Lost Change , no tuvo una gran relevancia en el panorama musical. Sin embatgo en este álbum colabora con grandes artistas como John Legend, Fergie y Supernatural.

Listado de canciones

  1. "Take It" (feat.KRS-One) - 2:49
  2. "Nahh Mean" (feat. Phife Dawg) - 3:48
  3. "B Boyz" (feat.Supernatural ) - 2:56
  4. "Here 2 Party" (feat. FLII, Planet Asia & Krondon) - 3:12
  5. "Bomb Bomb (Interlude)" - 0:23
  6. "Bomb Bomb" (feat.Supernatural) - 3:25
  7. "Swing By My Way" (feat. John Legend) - 3:49
  8. "It's Okay" (feat. Triple Seven & Dante Santiago) - 3:39
  9. "Mash Out (Interlude)" - 0:28
  10. "Mash Out" (feat. MC Lyte & Kim Hill) - 3:09
  11. "Ride Ride" (feat. John Legend) - 3:16
  12. "Sumthing Special" (feat. Niu, Dante Santiago & Taboo) - 3:55
  13. "Sumthing Special (Interlude)" - 0:50
  14. "I'm Ready (Y'all Ain't Ready For This)" (feat. Phil Da Agony, Supernatural & Tash) - 3:40
  15. "We Got Chu" (feat. Planet Asia & FLII) - 3:52
  16. "Go! (Interlude)" - 1:32
  17. "Go!" - 3:54

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • must — must …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • müstə’mərə — ə. müstəmləkə …   Klassik Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatında islənən ərəb və fars sözləri lüğəti

  • must — must1 [must] v.aux. pt.must [ME moste, pt., had to < OE, pt. of motan, may, akin to Goth (ga)mot, (I) find room, am permitted, prob. < IE * mōt , var. of * med , to measure > METE1] 1. used to express compulsion, obligation, requirement …   English World dictionary

  • Must — (m[u^]st), v. i. or auxiliary. [OE. moste, a pret. generally meaning, could, was free to, pres. mot, moot, AS. m[=o]ste, pret. m[=o]t, pres.; akin to D. moetan to be obliged, OS. m[=o]tan to be free, to be obliged, OHG. muozan, G. m[ u]ssen to be …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Must FM — Logo de Must FM Création 16 avril 1993 Langue Français Pays   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • must — [ mɶst ] n. m. • 1981; av. 1973 (marque déposée); mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Fam. Ce qu il faut savoir ou faire pour être à la mode (⇒ impératif); ce qu il y a de mieux. Ce logiciel, c est le must. ⇒ 2. top. Le must de la saison. ● must nom masculin… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • must — MUST, musturi, s.n. 1. Suc dulce care nu a început încă să fermenteze, obţinut prin zdrobirea şi presarea boabelor de struguri sau, p. ext., a altor fructe ori plante. 2. Zeamă, suc pe care îl conţin unele fructe. 3. Seva arborilor. 4. (pop.)… …   Dicționar Român

  • must — The use of must informally as a noun meaning ‘something that must be done or had, or that should not be missed’, dates from the 1890s in American use. In the earlier part of the 20c, it was often written in inverted commas as being not quite… …   Modern English usage

  • Must — Must, n. [AS. must, fr. L. mustum (sc. vinum), from mustus young, new, fresh. Cf. {Mustard}.] 1. The expressed juice of the grape, or other fruit, before fermentation. These men ben full of must. Wyclif (Acts ii. 13.). [1913 Webster] No… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Must B 21 — студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • Must B 21 — Studio album by Released September 23, 2003 …   Wikipedia

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