My Friend of Misery

My Friend of Misery
«My Friend Of Misery»
Canción de Metallica
álbum Metallica (The Black Album)
Publicación 1991
Grabación 1990
Género Heavy metal, Hard rock
Duración 6:49
Discográfica Elektra Records
Escritor(es) James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newsted
Productor(es) Bob Rock,
Canciones de Metallica (The Black Album)
«The God That Failed»
«My Friend Of Misery»
«The Struggle Within»

My Friend of Misery es la décimo primera canción del quinto disco de estudio homónimo a la banda de Heavy metal estadounidense Metallica.

Fue escrita principalmente por Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield y Jason Newsted.

La canción toma un inicio muy suave, con una pista de bajo interpretado con plumilla, seguida por un acompañamiento de la guitarra y la batería. El ritmo de la canción se orienta mucho hacia el rock pesado.

Jason Newsted fue quien escribió el intro de bajo. Según Newsted, se planeaba que My Friend of Misery fuera la quinta pieza instrumental en el repertorio de la banda (siendo las otras Anesthesia-Pulling Teeth,The Call of Ktulu, Orion y To Live is to Die).

La banda la toca en vivo con una especie de solo que hace Jason Newsted acompañado por Kirk Hammett


Apocalyptica y Dark Tranquillity hicieron covers de esta canción.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • put someone out of misery — put (someone/something) out of (their/its) misery 1. to kill an animal or person because they are in extreme pain. The horse s leg was badly broken, and the kindest thing was to put it out of its misery. Badly wounded himself, he put a gun in his …   New idioms dictionary

  • put something out of their misery — put (someone/something) out of (their/its) misery 1. to kill an animal or person because they are in extreme pain. The horse s leg was badly broken, and the kindest thing was to put it out of its misery. Badly wounded himself, he put a gun in his …   New idioms dictionary

  • put something out of its misery — put (someone/something) out of (their/its) misery 1. to kill an animal or person because they are in extreme pain. The horse s leg was badly broken, and the kindest thing was to put it out of its misery. Badly wounded himself, he put a gun in his …   New idioms dictionary

  • put something out of misery — put (someone/something) out of (their/its) misery 1. to kill an animal or person because they are in extreme pain. The horse s leg was badly broken, and the kindest thing was to put it out of its misery. Badly wounded himself, he put a gun in his …   New idioms dictionary

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