National Health Service

National Health Service

El National Health Service (NHS, en español Servicio Nacional de Salud) es el organismo financiado públicamente de salud pública, encargado de las prestaciones de medicina preventiva y curativa de la mayoría de la población del Reino Unido. Creado el 5 de julio de 1948, el NHS se basa en la premisa que la atención médica se hace sobre la necesidad y no la capacidad de pago por tanto su financiamiento proviene del pago de impuesto y el presupuesto nacional. Las premisas iniciales de la atención del NHS han sido: gratis en el punto de entrega, comprensivo, equitativo e igualitario.

La organización del NHS ha cambiado con el tiempo. El NHS esta dividido en la actualidad en cuatro unidades que atienden las regiones del Reino Unido: NHS England, NHS Scotland, NHS Wales y Health and Care NI (Irlanda del Norte)

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • National Health Service — noun In Britain, the system under which medical, dental, etc treatment is available free, or at a nominal charge, to all, paid for out of public taxation • • • Main Entry: ↑nation * * * noun the National Health Service : the public system of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • National Health Service — National Health .Service n the National Health Service the NHS the state system for providing health care in Britain, paid for by taxes …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • National Health Service — n a government organization in Great Britain that provides at public expense all hospital, medical, dental, and related supportive or ancillary services and appliances and prescription drugs …   Medical dictionary

  • National Health Service — For other uses, see NHS#Healthcare. The National Health Service (NHS) is the shared name of three of the four publicly funded healthcare systems in the United Kingdom. They provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of… …   Wikipedia

  • National Health Service — Logo des NHS (England) Eingang eines Krankenhauses des NHS …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • National Health Service — (abbr the NHS) the British public service providing medical care that is paid for mainly by the government. British people have strong feelings about its importance, and it is always one of the top political issues in Britain. The National Health …   Universalium

  • National Health Service — N PROPER: the N In Britain, the National Health Service is the state system for providing medical care. It is paid for by taxes. An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service …   English dictionary

  • National Health Service — Le National Health Service (NHS) est le système de santé public du Royaume Uni. Cette organisation fournit l essentiel des soins depuis la médecine générale aux salles d urgence des hôpitaux, les soins longue durée aux soins dentaires. Il a été… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • National Health Service Reorganisation Act 1973 — Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to make further provision with respect to the national health service in England and Wales and amendments of the enactments relating to the national hea …   Wikipedia

  • National Health Service Corps — (NHSC) Programa del United States Public Health Service (USPHS), para el envío de personal sanitario a zonas insuficientemente atendidas. Los Corps fueron fundados mediante el Emergency Health Personnel Act de 1970. Enfermeras, médicos y… …   Diccionario médico

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