New Year

New Year

"New Year" es el segundo single de One Touch, primer álbum de Sugababes. Llegó al puesto número 12 de la lista británica y vendió un total aproximado de 90.000 copias.I aunque New Year tuvo Buenos resultados en el Reino Unido, Pero no alcanso a tener buenos resultados en otros países europeos i asiaticos como lo tuvo Overload.las ventas mundiales del single fueron de 820.000 copias ya que el single no fue realizado en toda europa y en asia ya que la compañía sonora London records dijo que New Year no es material fuerte como Overload para ser realizado en otros países y new year no tuvo éxito en ningún país que fue realizado después del Reino Unido.


Lista Máx.
Reino Unido 12
Irlanda 25
Alemania 35
Bélgica 21
Suiza 17
austria 30
Polonia 17
Mexico 38
filipinas 41
Holanda 22


Anterior single: Overload Próximo single: Run for cover

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • New Year — n [U] 1.) also the New Year the time when people celebrate the beginning of a new year ▪ We re going to spend Christmas and the New Year with my parents. ▪ The business will be closed over New Year. Happy New Year (=used as a greeting) ▪ Our… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • New Year — UK / US or New Year UK / US noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms new year : singular new year plural new years the time around the beginning of a new year, when people celebrate We had a very quiet new year. She s visiting them some time …   English dictionary

  • new year — UK / US or New Year UK / US noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms new year : singular new year plural new years the time around the beginning of a new year, when people celebrate We had a very quiet new year. She s visiting them some time …   English dictionary

  • new year — s Day New Year s Day the first day of a calendar year; the first day of January. Often colloquially abbreviated to {New year s} or {new year}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New year's — Day New Year s Day the first day of a calendar year; the first day of January. Often colloquially abbreviated to {New year s} or {new year}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New-year — a. Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, the commencement of the year; as, New year gifts or odes. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • New Year's — Eve, night of December 31st, last night of the calendar year; New Year s Day, January 1st, first day of the calendar year …   English contemporary dictionary

  • New Year's — New′ Year s n. 1) New Year s Day 2) New Year s Eve …   From formal English to slang

  • new year — n. 1. the year just about to begin or just begun: usually with the 2. [N Y ] the first day or days of the new year …   English World dictionary

  • new year — ► NOUN 1) the calendar year just begun or about to begin. 2) the period immediately before and after 31 December …   English terms dictionary

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