Annie Girardot

Annie Girardot

Annie Girardot

Annie Girardot es una actriz francesa nacida el 25 de octubre de 1931 en París.

Estuvo casada con Renato Salvatori.



  • 1988 Le Vent des moissons
  • 1989 Orages d'été

Premios obtenidos

  • Premio de interpretación en el Festival de Venecia en 1965.
  • Premio de interpretación en el Festival de Mar de Plata en 1968.
Obtenido de "Annie Girardot"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Annie Girardot — (born October 25, 1931 in Paris) is a French actress. She began performing in 1954, making her film debut in Treize à table .She won the Prix Suzanne Bianchetti in 1956, and in 1977 won the César Award for Best Actress portraying the title… …   Wikipedia

  • Annie Girardot — es una actriz francesa nacida el 25 de octubre de 1931 en París. Está casada con Renato Salvatori …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Girardot, Annie — (1931 )    Actress. Annie Girardot was born in Paris and graduated from the Paris Conservatoire d art dramatique with honors. She began her career on the stage, appearing at the Comédie Française from 1954 to 1957 and in cabarets before making… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

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