Onside kick

Onside kick
Los Denver Broncos intentando un onside kick en contra de los St. Louis Rams en un partido que Denver perdía por 3 puntos. No recuperraron el balón.

Un onside kick (conocida en México como patada corta) es un tipo especial de kickoff que se usa cuando el equipo ofensivo necesita recuperar el balón para seguir atacando, lo que se hace en estos casos es realizar una onside kick, el balón debe avanzar como mínimo 10 yardas desde la zona donde se patea (si no el balón no avanza esas 10 yardas se marca una penalización) y existe la posibilidad de recuperarlo antes que el otro equipo, aunque es algo complicado pues el otro equipo contrarresta este kickoff con una formación en la que acerca gran parte de su equipo a la zona de saque para recuperar el balón a toda costa y de esa forma lograr que el onside kick fracase.


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  • onside kick — (Football) A kickoff in which the kicking team attempts to kick the ball only so far as is legally required (beyond the 50 yard line), so as to have a better chance to recover the kicked ball itself; it is a risky type of play used only when the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • onside kick — ☆ onside kick n. Football a kickoff that is deliberately kicked short in the hope that the kicking team can get possession of the ball …   English World dictionary

  • Onside kick — In American and Canadian football, an onside kick (sometimes onsides kick) is a type of kick used at a kickoff or other free kick, or scrimmage kick or other kick during play, in which the ball is kicked favorably for the kicking team to avoid… …   Wikipedia

  • Onside kick — Kickoff Le kicker donne un coup de pied dans le ballon pour lancer le match …   Wikipédia en Français

  • onside kick — Football. a kickoff deliberately kicked a short distance in an attempt by the kicking team to regain possession of the ball by recovering it after it has traveled forward the legally required distance of 10 yards, beyond the 50 yard line. Also,… …   Universalium

  • onside kick — on′side kick′ n. Football. fbb spo a short distance kickoff resorted to in hopes of immediately recovering possession of the ball • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • onside kick — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a free kick (as a kickoff) in football that a kicker deliberately aims only slightly beyond the defensive restraining line in the hope of recovering the ball which becomes free after crossing the restraining line …   Useful english dictionary

  • onside kick — noun Date: 1926 a kickoff in football in which the ball travels just far enough to be legally recoverable by the kicking team …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Kick off — Kickoff Le kicker donne un coup de pied dans le ballon pour lancer le match …   Wikipédia en Français

  • kick — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 act of kicking ADJECTIVE ▪ good, hard, hefty, powerful, sharp, swift, vicious ▪ She gave him a hard kick to the stomach …   Collocations dictionary

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