Pay TV

Pay TV

Pay TV

Pay TV es un grupo de música electrónica de origen sueco formado en 2004 para participar en la edición de ese año del Melodifestivalen.

Fatima Edell (25 de enero de 1979), Anna Widing (24 de febrero de 1974 y Thérèse Andersson (28 de junio de 1980) se conocieron tras participar en el musical "Rent" y decidieron dar un giro a su carrera. Su idea: crear un proyecto, una imagen y un producto que traspasara las fronteras musicales.

Para ello, utilizarían la plataforma mediática del Melodifestivalen para darse a conocer. Primero cambiaron sus nombres de pila: llamándose así Chanelle Ferarri, Claudia Cash y Neena Fatale.

Su tema de 2004 "Trendy Discotheque" fue producido por Håkan Lidbo, un reconocido y prestigioso productor musical famoso en todo el mundo Dj europeo. Dicho tema intentaría reflejar el frívolo y exclusivo mundo de los famosos, presentándose ellas mismas como fashion victims. La canción, totalmente alejada del concepto pop de este tipo de festivales, no consiguió clasificarse y fue un éxito discreto en Suecia (no pasando del puesto 30 en las listas de ventas).

En 2005 volverían a participar con el tema "Refrain, Refrain", producida por el mismo equipo del año anterior. Por desgracia para ellos, tampoco consiguieron clasificarse para la gran final.

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  • pay — pay1 [pā] vt. paid or [Obs.] (except in phrase PAY OUT, sense 2)Obs. payed, paying [ME paien, to pay, satisfy < OFr paier < L pacare, to pacify < pax,PEACE] 1. to give to (a person) what is due, as for goods received, services rendered,… …   English World dictionary

  • Pay — Pay, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paid}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Paying}.] [OE. paien, F. payer, fr. L. pacare to pacify, appease, fr. pax, pacis, peace. See {Peace}.] 1. To satisfy, or content; specifically, to satisfy (another person) for service rendered,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pay — ► VERB (past and past part. paid) 1) give (someone) money due for work, goods, or an outstanding debt. 2) give (a sum of money) thus owed. 3) be profitable or advantageous: crime doesn t pay. 4) suffer a loss or misfortune as a consequence of an… …   English terms dictionary

  • pay# — pay vb Pay, compensate, remunerate, satisfy, reimburse, indemnify, repay, recompense are comparable when they mean to give money or an equivalent in return for something. Pay is the ordinary term when the giving or furnishing of money to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Pay — Pay, n. 1. Satisfaction; content. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. An equivalent or return for money due, goods purchased, or services performed; salary or wages for work or service; compensation; recompense; payment; hire; as, the pay of a clerk; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pay TV — pay television or pay TV noun Satellite or cable television available to subscribers • • • Main Entry: ↑pay * * * pay TV UK US noun [uncountable] a system in which you pay to watch particular television programmes or channels Thesaurus: systems… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay — [n] earnings from employment allowance, bacon*, bread*, commission, compensation, consideration, defrayment, emoluments, fee, hire*, honorarium, income, indemnity, meed, payment, perquisite, pittance, proceeds, profit, reckoning, recompensation,… …   New thesaurus

  • Pay-TV — (von englisch Pay television), auch Bezahlfernsehen genannt,[1] bezeichnet private Fernsehsender, für deren Empfang mit dem Programmanbieter ein kostenpflichtiger Vertrag abgeschlossen werden muss, unabhängig von den in Deutschland… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pay — (p[=a]), v. i. To give a recompense; to make payment, requital, or satisfaction; to discharge a debt. [1913 Webster] The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again. Ps. xxxvii. 21. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, to make or secure suitable return for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pay TV — ˌpay TˈV noun [uncountable] COMMERCE a system in which customers pay for the length of time they watch a particular television programme or channel: • Pay TV will be delivered on at least four channels. • Time Warner dominates the pay TV market… …   Financial and business terms

  • pay up — {v.} To pay in full; pay the amount of; pay what is owed. * /The monthly installments on the car were paid up./ * /He pays his dues up promptly./ * /He gets behind when he is out of work but always pays up when he is working again./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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