


Clasificación científica
Reino: Plantae
División: Magnoliophyta
Clase: Magnoliopsida
Orden: Caryophyllales
Suborden: Phytolaccineae


  • PhytolaccaceaeR. Brown, 1818
  • Gisekiaceae Nakai, 1942
  • Agdestidaceae Nakai, 1942
  • Barbeuiaceae Nakai, 1942
  • Achatocarpaceae Heimerl, 1934 - Achatocarpus
  • Petiveriaceae C. Agardh, 1824
  • Nyctaginaceae A.L. de Jussieu, 1789
  • Aizoaceae Rudolphi, 1830
  • Sesuviaceae Horaninow, 1834
  • Tetragoniaceae Nakai, 1942
  • Stegnospermaceae Nakai, 1942


Takhtajan, A. 1997. Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York.. [1 May 1997]

Obtenido de "Phytolaccineae"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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