

Please, Please

«Please, Please/Don't Stop Me Now»
Sencillo de McFLY
del álbum Motion In The Ocean
Publicación 17 de julio de 2006
Formato CD Single
Grabado 2004:
Género(s) Rock, pop
Discográfica Universal, Island
Cronología de sencillos de McFLY

«Ultraviolet/The Ballad of Paul K

«Please, Please/Don't Stop Me Now»

«Star Girl

Es una canción de banda británica McFLY de su tercer álbum Motion In The Ocean, realizado en un CD doble que contenía un cover de la canción de Queen "Don't Stop Me Now".

El single entro en el UK Singles Chart el 23 de julio de 2006 en la primera posición.



Escrita por McFLY y J. Perry. Habla acerca de una chica pelirroja llamada Lindsay, que se presume sea la actriz Lindsay Lohan. Según algunos medios la canción fue escrita para Lindsay, puesto que durante la filmación de la pelicula Just My Luk mantuvo una relación sentimental con el baterísta de la banda Harry Judd.

Lindsay lo ha negado, aunque los demás miembros de la banda apoyan la versión de Judd.


El video comienza con la banda en un hospital, dónde se encuentran hospitalizados, allí se enamoran de una enfermera de nombre Lindsay (Lindsay Lohan). También se caracteriza por el desnudo que hace la banda, en el que sólo se cubren con sus intrumentos musicales.


Chart (2006) Máx
UK Singles Chart 1
Irish Singles Chart 15
U.S. Billboard European Hot 100
U.S. Billboard Hot Digital Songs

Enlaces externos

McFLY Official

Obtenido de "Please, Please"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Please — may refer to:* PLEASE, a keyword in the INTERCAL programming language * Please (album), an album by Pet Shop Boysongs * Please , a song by The Apples in Stereo from the album Velocity of Sound * Please (Toni Braxton song), a song by Toni Braxton… …   Wikipedia

  • Please — Studioalbum von Pet Shop Boys Veröffentlichung 24. März 1986 Aufnahme 1984 1985 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • please — (v.) early 14c., to be agreeable, from O.Fr. plaisir (Fr. plaire) to please, from L. placere to be acceptable, be liked, be approved, related to placare to soothe, quiet, from PIE root *p(e)lag to smooth, make even (Cf. Gk. plax, gen. plakos… …   Etymology dictionary

  • please — vb Please, gratify, delight, rejoice, gladden, tickle, regale mean to make happy or to be a cause of happiiress. Please usually implies an agreement with one s wishes, tastes, or aspirations and a happiness which ranges from mere content and the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • please — [plēz] vt. pleased, pleasing [ME plaisen < MFr plaisir < L placere, to please, akin to placidus, gentle, mild, placare, to calm, soothe < IE * plāk , flat, smooth < base * plā > PLAIN1] 1. to be agreeable to; give pleasure to;… …   English World dictionary

  • please to — please, also (now rare) please to A polite formula equivalent to ↑if you please above, now felt as imperative, perhaps orig from the older please it you or please it (sometimes printed pleaseth in Shakespeare) or please you may it please you • •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Please — Please, v. i. 1. To afford or impart pleasure; to excite agreeable emotions. [1913 Webster] What pleasing scemed, for her now pleases more. Milton. [1913 Webster] For we that live to please, must please to live. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. To have …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Please — Студийный альбом Pet Shop Boys …   Википедия

  • please — The use of please by itself, as in Will you come in, please?, is a reduced form of may it (so) please you. It was first recorded in the 17c, but was not used by Shakespeare, whose shortest form is please you …   Modern English usage

  • Please — Please, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pleased}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pleasing}.] [OE. plesen, OF. plaisir, fr. L. placere, akin to placare to reconcile. Cf. {Complacent}, {Placable}, {Placid}, {Plea}, {Plead}, {Pleasure}.] 1. To give pleasure to; to excite… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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